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Today : Wednesday Oct 16 2024
  • Jul 9 2019 - 14:48
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The Minister of Oil on Featured News Program on Channel 2:

The oil area will be transformed with the creativity of knowledge-based companies

The oil area will be transformed with the creativity of knowledge-based companies

Emphasizing the transformation of the oil area by the support of knowledge-based companies in oil field, the minister of oil announced the allocation of 17 hectares of lands for establishment of startups in this area.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Bijan Namdar Zangeneh, the minister of oil, announced the focus of ministry of oil on knowledge-based companies and research projects of researchers in a featured news program on Channel 2, expressing: it has been several months that the special support of startups and knowledge-based companies has been on the agenda of the ministry.

He continued: in this regard, 17 hectares of lands are allocated to the establishment of startups in oil field. This will soon happen and it will be an important factor for future of startups. This issue is specifically followed up by the deputy for engineering, research and technology affairs of ministry of oil.

Zanganeh added: the deputy for engineering, research and technology affairs was the person who suggested this act and is very eager to carry out the process. However, a smaller area (500-1000-m spaces) was considered, but I realized that we have 17 hectares of land in Rey and we can allocate more lands. In my opinion, this will completely change the places near Tehran. 

Transformation of Oil Field with Activity of Startups

He announced the formation of organizations to realize this goal, adding: we do not want to exaggerate, but this decision will transform the oil field. This area is in a suitable place near Tehran. We are seriously determined for future of startups and we will invest on this issue.

In response to question of distinguishing the knowledge-based companies that currently produce oil equipment and non-knowledge-based companies, Zanganeh mentioned: we have had no such problem in ministry of oil. Knowledge-based is not a name and companies that produce goods are knowledge-based. There is no difference between them, and we have contracts for goods that have various applications. However, I think that knowledge-based companies can do many things.

Realization of Export Depends on the Success of the Domestic Market

Regarding export in the oil field, Zanganeh marked: opening the domestic market to producers has been the greatest work done in this field to sell products in the domestic market. If the quality of products is increased and defects are eliminated, we can move toward export.

Zanganeh announced the establishment of a permanent exhibition for Iranian products and equipment, expressing: it is aimed to establish a permanent exhibition for domestically manufactured products in Rey region so that foreigners coming from neighboring countries could see the Iranian products.

Establishment of 27 Phases of South Pars Is an Extraordinary Work

Zanganeh pointed out the presence of French Total Co. in the development of 11th phase of South Pars, reminding: Total ran the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th phases of South Pars, and their activities will continue by us in many areas including management, ordering, designing and small issues. Therefore, we have been able to run other phases.

He added: at that time, we spent all budgets on completion of the 27th phase. When I was appointed (2013), only 10 phases were completed. However, we have entered refinery into the circuit equal to 15 phases except for the 14th phase that is equal to two phases. Until the end of this year, 17 marine phases will be on the circuit, which has been an important task in 10-12 years.

 Petroleum Refineries Are Creating Jobs in the Country

In terms of help of the ministry of oil to accelerate the implementation of petroleum refineries, Zanganeh expressed: our duty is feed supply, but the most important challenge of this plan is equipping resources from the domestic market. For example, more than 50 billion dollars capital is required to establish a refinery with a daily refining capacity of two million oil barrels. If supplied by the domestic market, the asset must be guaranteed by stocks and warranties. Meanwhile, stock exchange does not accept spiritual bail. I have talked with designers about this issue and they expressed that over negotiations with the stock exchange, it has promised to contribute to this issue. I welcome this phenomenon since many occupations will be formed in the country and our power will increase by this issue. 

  • News group : NEWS,Communication & Information Center
  • News code : 45168


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