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  • Jan 21 2020 - 15:48
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Director General of Iran Sakht Festival:

The annual sticker award of “Iran Sakht” is the manifestation of the link between art and digital technology

The annual sticker award of “Iran Sakht” is the manifestation of the link between art and digital technology


The closing ceremony of the first “Annual Sticker Award” was held with the help of iGap and in the presence of the general director of Iran Sakht national and cultural festival.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs quoted by “Iran Sakht” news headquarter, Parviz Karami, the director general of the Iran Sakht Festival, stated: with the efforts of artists, animators, cartoonists and stickers, the movement has begun to develop. Soon, we will see powerful companies emerging in this area with outstanding young people and artists.

The secretary of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter appreciated the work of artists attending the first round of “Annual Sticker Award”, expressing: I say a thousand thanks to the artists who took part in the event, who made Iranian stickers with the enthusiasm and creativity of and received admiration from the audience.

The advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs confirmed: supporting artists in various fields and linking them to new and digital technology is supported, as are other efforts to develop technological activities in the Vice-Presidency and the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter.

Karami added: proper measures have been taken by the Vice-Presidency in the form of the creative ecosystem program, and creative companies and artists can use these services in the field. Therefore, many artists and activists in the field can use the services and facilities offered by the ecosystem of cultural and creative industries.

Considerable Share of the Global Market

 The director general of Iran Sakht Festival pointed out the global turnover in the field, affirming: the innovation and technology ecosystem in the field of animation, cartoon, stickers and creative industries has a turnover more than $2700 billion in advanced countries. In this regard, Iran’s share is about 60 billion Tomans, which is the share of a few numbers of large companies in the field. This rank is not at all appropriate for Iran due to its talented and civilized human resources.

Pointing out the international awards of Iranian movies and shortcomings in this field, Karami added: our cinema and animation artists have won numerous and important international awards.

In addition to expressing hope for the future of these activists, Karami marked: activists in various fields of sticker production and the movement shaped in this field will soon result in powerful companies emerging in this area with outstanding young people as well as creative young people and artists.

The secretary of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter mentioned: soon, innovation factories and centers will be established in each province in addition to science and innovation parks. These factories will host knowledge-based companies, as well as creative and cultural industries.

Improvement in Stickers

Meysam Asgari, head of the Annual Sticker Award and CEO of “iGap”, pointed out the importance of the cyberspace and messaging apps in today’s world.

Discovering Young Talents

Mohammad Meysam Meysami, manager of Andisheh Cultural Institute, made a short speech about the society’s need for domestic messaging apps, adding: domestic messengers have strived to meet the expectations of the public based on the needs of the community and have had strong rivals along the way. There are some strong competitors along the way, so it is our job to support these friends and stay with them to see what happens in the field.

 Excellent Illustrations and Drawings

Shojaei Tabatabaei, the secretary of “Annual Sticker Award” and one of the jury members of the competition, was the next lecturer, who read the statement of the jury and pointed out some important notes about the event.

The closing ceremony was held on January 20th, 2020 in the presence of Meysam Asgari, Masoud Shojaei Tabatabaei, Bahram Azimi, head of the jury, Parviz Karami, and Mohammad Meysam Meysami. 


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Communication & Information Center
  • News code : 48899


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