On the Honoring Ceremony for Service Providers by the President;
The vice president for science and technology affairs received the first rank among the executive organizations
The vice president for science and technology affairs received the first rank among the executive organizations
With the Support of Soft and Identity-making Technologies Development Headquarter;
The first creative industry festival will be held
The first creative industry festival will be held
Along with Holding Educational Seminars during the Fourth National Festival of “Sea, the Path of Progress”;
Cooperation between various maritime and industrial organizations will be improved
Cooperation between various maritime and industrial organizations will be improved
Secretary of Biotechnology Development Headquarter:
Provision of a roadmap in the food area of the country based on science and technology is a necessity
Provision of a roadmap in the food area of the country based on science and technology is a necessity
Development of aerospace technologies by the private sector with low costs and a fast pace will be possible
Development of aerospace technologies by the private sector with low costs and a fast pace will be possible
By the Iranian National Science Foundation;
Call for support of doctoral dissertations is published
Call for support of doctoral dissertations is published
By Holding the Workshop of Fundamentals of Business Management and Meeting of Student Associations;
The first gathering of ambassadors of stem cells and regenerative medicine science was held
The first gathering of ambassadors of stem cells and regenerative medicine science was held
By Incremental Manufacturing Technology in the Printing Industry of the Country
By Incremental Manufacturing Technology in the Printing Industry of the Country
Along with Holding the First Idea Festival, Entrepreneurial Event, and Exhibition of Knowledge-based Companies;
The foundation will be provided for the commercialization of knowledge-based products in water area
The foundation will be provided for the commercialization of knowledge-based products in water area
With the Support of Nanotechnology Development Headquarter;
Nano Startup in Power Industry Will Be Held
Nano Startup in Power Industry Will Be Held