  • Mar 11 2023 - 09:58
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in the form of a cooperation agreement by 40 thousand billion rials; Knowledge-based companies meet the bottleneck needs of the industry value chain

A cooperation agreement was signed between the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy and the Ministry of Mining, Industry and Trade so that bottleneck technologies of the industry will be supplied by knowledge-based companies, by completing the value chain.

In this ceremony, which was held in the presence of Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, Seyed Reza Fatemi Amin, Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade, Mohammad Zulfi Gol, Minister of Science, Research and Technology, and a group of heads of universities and activists of knowledge-based companies. A cooperation agreement with an investment value of 40 thousand billion Rials was signed.

Commercialization and development of bottleneck and strategic technologies, by creating joint knowledge-based, academic and industrial consortia, is one of the main axes of this cooperation agreement.

This support of 40 thousand billion will be allocated in various forms and formats, including tax credits, guarantees and facilities, etc. for the production of priority and bottleneck products.

Based on this cooperation agreement, the vice presidency of science undertakes to identify the most capable knowledge-based companies to participate in joint knowledge-based industrial consortia through a detailed evaluation of knowledge-based companies to reduce the risk of technology and market development. Also, support knowledge-based companies that are members of consortia up to the stage of prototype production or semi-industrial production based on existing criteria.

The Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade is also obliged to provide the ground for the formation of consortia with the cooperation of industries, allocate the market to knowledge-based companies and support the connection of consortiums of scientists with industries.

Cooperation, interaction and effective synergy of the parties to realize the knowledge-based economy

Agreements were also concluded for educational support of technological consortia, research support of consortia and technological partnerships. This support is in the form of providing study opportunities and will create an opportunity for dissertations and research projects to be developed in this format with the aim of developing consortia.

A joint cooperation consortium was signed for the production of thin hollow fiber polymer membranes (Halofiber), which is considered among the strategic dialysis products. Dialysis imposes an annual cost of 90 thousand billion tomans to the country and the localization of this advanced technology brings savings of 4 thousand billion tomans annually. The technology development plan and the production of this product will bring 25 million euros of foreign exchange savings annually with the most advanced dialysis technology.

The next consortium was signed by Amir Kabir University, Sharif Industrial University and Mana Energy Pak Company in line with the development of silicon value chain, an agreement that covers the value chain of this industry from mineral silica to solar panels. The value of investing in this technology is 30 to 35 thousand billion tomans, and in total, 16 factories out of 17 factories required for the development of this technology and production of products have been established, and with the signing of this agreement, the process of producing solar panels in the country will speed up.

Another agreement was signed between Tajhiz Teb Company and Sharif University of Technology to start the production line of cardiovascular catheters. Also, a consortium to support microelectronics production and the production of automotive currency chips was signed by guaranteeing the purchase of bottleneck microchips in the automotive industry between the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade.

Consortium for the development of lithium battery technology was signed between Kerman Battery and Materials and Energy Research Institute and Amirkabir University of Technology. Kerman Battery Company pursues the development of lithium batteries for electric vehicles and for production vehicles that are included in the program of automobile manufacturers, and the automobile manufacturers supply lithium batteries internally.

The development and commercialization of the technology of extracting and purifying the effective substance of medicinal plants was signed in this ceremony with the participation of Faravaran Tabiat Kian Company, Soroush Taravat Tabiat Company, Shaygan Pishro Matin and Yasouj University.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


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  • News code : 90403

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