  • Jan 17 2023 - 10:24
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Signing of the cooperation agreement between the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, and Persian

Dehghani: Petrochemical venture fund will be created

A cooperation agreement was signed between the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, and the CEO of Persian Gulf Holding, focusing on the creation of a venture fund in the petrochemical sector.

Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, stated that today we must strive to give hope to the youth, stating that this year's designation as "production, knowledge-based and job-creating" created a serious movement in the country. If we want to be fair, one of the main reasons for accelerating the approval of the knowledge-based leap law was the leadership's attention to this field. This law is very important. It is unlikely that more than 10 progressive countries in the world have such a law supporting technology and innovation.

He added: "If today we lay the foundation stone for the creation of a venture capital fund, we will definitely have the basic support of the production leap law."

Referring to the discussion of the knowledge-based economy, the head of National Elites Foundation noted: The next issue that happened this year was the discussion of the knowledge-based economy in all executive bodies. This year, the evidence was exhausted and this year, all the institutions of the country, including the ministries, with the cooperation of the Vice Presidency of Science, compiled and approved a code of activity in the field of knowledge-based companies.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stating that we expect to see the results of the great actions taken this year in the next 5 years, and we will witness its consequences in another 10 years.


Make supply-oriented innovation system demand-oriented

Stating that we have had many ups and downs in the field of knowledge-based economy in these years, he said: After 10 years have passed since the implementation of the law to support knowledge-based companies, we are trying to improve the path forward in the field of knowledge-based economy. Let's assume that its basis is also the law of mutation of knowledge-based production. We have to undergo some changes in this supply-oriented innovation system and change a good part of the attention from supply-oriented to demand-oriented. We have a very big market in the country. Assuming a "gross national product" (GDP) of 500 billion dollars and targeting 2% of this knowledge-based economy, 10 billion dollars for the next year is not a far-fetched figure. Industries can meet their needs through knowledge bases, and this is one of the best ways to support knowledge-based companies.

Knowledge-based penetration in all major industries

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy stated: It is necessary to penetrate knowledge-based in all large industries and institutions. Certainly, innovative or technology-based industries can have an impact on the knowledge-based economy. In this regard, industries can produce innovation with up-to-date technologies, which will lead to an increase in quality and productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to create serious trends in this field. This flow is the technology for the establishment of large industries. If our major industries become technology-based, it will create the largest market for knowledge-based products. Therefore, due to the serious determination of Dr. Ali Askari and his deputies, it is expected that the first leaders and leaders of the country's technology industry will be the groups that are in the Persian Gulf Holding.

He emphasized: What is happening today is the establishment of a venture capital fund to support and invest in knowledge-based companies that produce efficient, standard and quality technology for Persian Gulf Holdings.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy stated that it is expected that this fund will have a capital of 2 thousand billion tomans, and said: nearly 40% of this capital will be provided by the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, and the rest of it is provided by the tax credit that Persian Gulf Holding provides in technological projects that are licensed by the Steering Council of Knowledge-Based Technologies and Productions.

At the end, Dehghani emphasized that the tax credit is a very smart and targeted investment and said: Taxes are the wealth and money of these people. It should only be spent where if we spend only one unit, it should have at least 3 to 8 output units. We must carefully determine technological issues so that every single dollar that is spent has achievements and savings.

Providing skilled and elite human resources by using the capacities of the parties and attracting up to 20% of the holding's human resources needs through holding joint tests as well as programs of the National Elites Foundation and the exchange of 20 people to work in the holding and its subsidiaries after the approval of the holding's board of directors and Subsidiaries are one of the other axes of this bilateral cooperation.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 89817

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