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Good news / Vice President of Science and Technology informed

Production of the most important anti-corona equipment in an Iranian company reached 30 per day.

Production of the most important anti-corona equipment in an Iranian company reached 30 per day.


Manufacturing of Critical Care Ventilator as the most important equipment for anti-coronavirus came to operation and become “Made in Iran” in different models in the country by Knowledge Base companies. This is the news that the Vice President of Science and Technology Sourena Sattari has just announced.

Based on this, 30 Ventilators are produced and supplied daily on the knowledge-based company.

Ventilator has been providing import and after sales services as a special care and anesthesia machine from MEDEC in Iran for several years, but with the help of local specialists and an Iranian manufacturing company, The localization of knowledge in the country has been mass-produced, and Sattari now states in a visit to the knowledge-based company that "30 ventilators are produced daily and sent to hospitals and medical centers for use."

Multiply capacity increase, coming soon

This number of ventilators has been developed by a knowledge-based Iranian company named “Ehyaa Darman Pishraft Co.”, as the first manufacturer of intensive care ventilators and anesthetic machines in Iran, and remarkably, this capacity will multiply soon.

During a visit by the Vice President of Science and Technology in November 2019 to the Ehyaa Darman Pishraft Company in Toos Industrial Town, Mashhad, he observed closely the activities and space of the site and the plant"s respiratory and imaging product lines and the latest industrialization achievements of the R&D unit and localization of CT scan. While praising the company"s ongoing activities, Sattari expressed hope that continuing the path could lead to new perspectives in the development of the country"s medical equipment as well as in technology development.

This company received the approval of the local authorities and also with the full support of the Vice President of Science and Technology of the President for the production of this device. With 13 years of experience in the field of medical equipment manufacturing and familiarity with the effective challenges in manufacturing, selling, providing after sales services and exporting, the company has taken the next step in the path of CT Scan manufacturing and utilizes appropriate technical knowledge. And its experienced specialists as well as a well-known background in the after sales service of CT Scan devices, has transferred the technology of production of this device from Neusoft company and has obtained assembly license of this product in Iran. The important point is that the company is ready to export the device abroad after domestic demand.

Continue to complete the ecosystem of knowledge-based economy in the country

The Vice President of Science and Technology for the past several years has put great emphasis on the formation of a knowledge-based ecosystem in the country and has made many efforts to achieve it. Now in the country"s special circumstances, the ecosystem, that is being completed, is playing an influential role.

"When there is an ecosystem of enabling knowledge-based private companies in the country, these companies can, in a short period of time, solve the country"s problems in any field," Sattari said. We can produce as many care and anesthesia machines as we need. Soon the country"s problems in providing intensive care will end. 

Report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs.


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 50159


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