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Parviz Karami: The Creative and Innovation House for Iran's Cinema will be launched to take advantage of technology and innovation/Creative and Innovation Houses can help the modernization of Iranian cinema.

The closing ceremony of the Iranian cinema visual effects event was held, and the importance of marketing formation and the use of technology and innovation was mentioned in the field of cinema.

To increase the knowledge of cinema activists and review the latest technical achievements of Iran's visual effects, the Farabi Cinema Foundation, in partnership with the Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development Headquarters, the Creative Industries Fund, and Raimon Innovation Center, organized a specialized event on the visual effects of Iranian cinema.

At the closing ceremony of the visual effects event, Parviz Karami, head of the center and secretary of the soft technologies and development of creative industries headquarters, said: "Communication with art is in the nature and culture of Iranians." When children of Iran are born and from the time they walk on all fours on the Iranian carpet, the traveling movement is done and they see color, image, light, symbols and Iranian and mythological characters, but when we look at the universities, there is a logical connection between the civilization and culture and local assets with modern technologies, and are dimmed or cut off based on these characters and myths.

According to the head of the center and the secretary of the soft technologies and development of creative industries headquarters, Iran's cinema has a special place in the world and has won many awards from international festivals, including the Academy awards twice, but in the field of merchandise and the global market in terms of attracting audiences and we are far from the works that should be in marketing and conveying concepts, and knowledge-based and creative companies can implement these standards well and help cinema to gain a place.

Emphasizing the role of creative companies and creative and innovation houses in transferring the concepts of humanities and completing the chain of ideas to products in cinema, he continued: One of the reasons why we could not perform as well as we should in transferring concepts and experiences is the imperfection of the chain. The art-industry of cinema has been in Iran, and in this regard, the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology is trying to complete this ecological chain in the country.


Raw sales of characters and personalities

Parviz Karami stated that our characters are still sold raw in literature and art, and said: Just as we sell all our minerals and materials, including oil, gas, and decorative stones, in literature and art, characters and literary characters are sold raw. Our mythology is also sold raw.

The head of the Center for Soft Technologies and Development of Creative Industries continued: Iran has a very rich and ancient literature, and in this literature characters, symbols, myths and personalities can be used to create literary, cultural, artistic and cinematic works in different types and genres. In creative and cultural industries, it should be used to create works of art.

Pointing out that if we are going to separate ourselves from raw sales and mix our culture, art and civilization with technology and innovation, we need an innovation center and a creative and innovation house, he said: Each of the big companies has several cinema innovations centers. They have, but this has not happened in Iran and the characters have not yet become universal.

We must make history with cinema

Parviz Karami stated that we are making historical films in Iran and Westerners are making history with cinema, and said: We must revive our prominent role in world history.

Pointing to the importance of setting up creative and innovation houses in the field of cinema, he added: The work that the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology has started with the Farabi Cinema Foundation and the Ministry of Guidance is to create a creative and innovation house of Iranian cinema so that through it we can promote literary and artistic assets. It makes our culture in the field of culture and art universal through the art of the cinema industry.

The head of the center of soft technologies and development of creative industries, pointing out that creative houses and innovation make the world of Iranian cinema stay up-to-date, continued: The creative and innovative house of Iranian cinema is to combine the art-industry of cinema with the innovation of modern technologies, one of which is visual effects. It is considered that its executive operation will start next week.

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