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  • Nov 28 2023 - 10:20
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Made in Iran products are a factor in the stability of the country's industry and economy facing sanctions

The Vice President of Science, by unveiling four strategic products of a knowledge-based company in the field of petrochemicals, emphasized: the fact that a company using nanotechnology has been able to realize the technologies of the petrochemical industry and the production of strategic catalysts is a valuable action and the result of the country's knowledge-based approach.

According to the communication and information center in the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, Ruhollah Dehghani said that today's technological transformation of the country is the result of the determination and will of the activists in the field of knowledge, technology and innovation of this land and added: strong-willed men and women with faith have lived and are present in this country who know the joy of life under the burden of hard work and continuous efforts for the elevation of the country. The burden of progress and transformation of the country is on the shoulders of these great men and women, and there is a proverb that says that the tougher the opponent, the sweeter the fight. Iranians have long been men and women in difficult fields, and they are inherently and genetically capable of hard and challenging tasks, so that they do not give up on any effort to brighten the horizon of the future and the path ahead of the future generations with strong steps and steel will. The achievements of knowledge-based companies, including this company, are proof of this claim.

He said: The fact that a company using nanotechnology has been able to realize the technologies of the petrochemical industry and the production of strategic catalysts is a valuable action and the result of the country's knowledge-based approach. One of the positive points of this action is the development of products in other fields such as medicine and health by using the overflow of technologies from this field. The fact that Exir Novin Farayand Asia Company has changed the process to produce a catalyst that is normally made with 28% silver with 18% silver but with the same efficiency and quality shows the important role of strategic technologies in improving the efficiency and productivity of the industry. This means that the catalyst becomes cheaper, it becomes more easily available and the country's industry and economy become more resistant in facing special conditions such as sanctions.

Stating that the catalysts produced by this knowledge-based company, Dehghani has been able to become the basis of 300 million dollars of currency reduction and currency savings, adding: This is a matter of pride and a transformation for the country, and I hope that the flow of using technology in the country will be the same. It becomes bolder, some industry managers who are simply disappointed with the flow of imports and foreigners, turn to domestic production and support domestic technologists, believe in this field.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94774

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