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A Look at the Importance of Discourse

From knowledge-based to the throne of the world

From knowledge-based to the throne of the world

*Parviz Karami

Socrates said that dialogue is the product of thought, which creates words, and words give life to things. Everything comes from thoughts and human beings continue to live and die in the world. This is how dialogue gives meaning to human life. The light of communication receives brightness from the origin of the debate, which gives light to its existence.

However, the world has risen on the basis of contradiction. All that seems sustainable is matured on the basis of instability. In fact, nothing is stable, and according to the beliefs of Heraclitus (Greek philosopher), everything is constantly changing and nothing remains the same. Therefore, dialogue becomes a dialectic, meaning that human beings discover the invisible ways of being through word and discussion from simple and intimate interactions. Therefore, the civilized human being does not remain constant throughout the history. Today, science and technology has come out of books for all society classes and has been turned into an assistant to help achieving the dreams of human beings.  

At this side of the world, despite what others think, we are constantly developing and have taken considerable steps, taking bulls by their horns. It has been a while since the train of “knowledge-based economy” has been moving in the country. About 4700 knowledge-based companies have emerged in the past eight years and have had great achievements. In addition, there are 6000 startups and 180 innovation centers and accelerators, as well as innovation factories and venture capitals, working to improve the country’s status.

On the other hand, Iran has been cruelly sanctioned by other countries for false reasons but due to fear of our development, expecting us to be humble and listen to their orders. When Hell freezes over. Another issue is our abundant reservoirs of oil and underground resources, which have prevented us from development.

Today, the Islamic Iran has reached a dilemma in the field of innovation and technology ecosystem – natural resources ecosystem. With their cruel sanctions, others have attempted to convince us that we are in desperate need of our natural resources and oil. We, too, believe that the human resources and intellectual assets and creativity of our youth are endless treasures that we must constantly and tirelessly display.

In such conditions, a “knowledge-based dialectic” has been formed, putting us on the verge of an unknown and new time. The “thesis” of this dialectic is the presence of oil and natural resources. We fight this type of thinking by relying on the knowledge-based economy and producing wealth from science by forming an innovation and technology ecosystem. Now, we must seek to synthesize this dialectic and create a new path. Without a doubt, we would be ungrateful if we neglected the God-sent natural resources. We have not obtained these resources all at once and day after day to lose them easily. Our dear Iran has centuries and millennia of antiquity and innovation, and what we now have from our homeland is the result of our efforts and struggles and our suffering and blood and the courage and perseverance of our glorious past. The same thinking will force us to use the possessions of this hectic soil more cautiously and cheaply. On the other hand, our human possessions are so rich and precious that even if we put it at zero, its value will not be appreciated. Therefore, in knowledge-based dialectic, our natural resources can be merged with our human resources, more thoughtfully and wisely, and from that, productive native biodiversity skyrocketed.

Therefore, we can use our natural resources and oil in laying the foundation for the infrastructures of this ecosystem and in line with monetizing for venture capitals in the country, thereby supporting startups, knowledge-based companies and creative industries,

However, in order to reach this synthesis in the knowledge-based dialectic, we need more excellent measures. “Discoursing” on science and technology is a necessity today. The topic of knowledge-based must be generalized in the society more than before. We can improve social knowledge in community and establish a public demand in this area. It is in this situation that the difficulties ahead will be easy. The importance of discourse is that it makes dialogue and dialogue more serious and purposeful in society and at different levels. The ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship is strongly supported, which facilitates culture-building in the field of knowledge-based economy. Our future will be filled with colorful blossoms provided by the innovation and technology ecosystem. Dialogue is a must through media and cyberspace, art and culture and science and academia, 4700 knowledge-based companies and hundreds of creative and accelerator companies, and thousands of start-ups. Discourse is the power of reason and the rationality of society, and the higher we think, the more successful and prosperous we are. Discoursing in knowledge-based economics will bring us back to the throne of the world tomorrow.

*The secretary of knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter

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