Sattari at the fifth meeting of Iran's scientific leaders: By solving the problems, the recruitment of elites will increase in universities
  • Sep 4 2022 - 10:14
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Sattari at the fifth meeting of Iran's scientific leaders: By solving the problems, the recruitment of elites will increase in universities

The fifth meeting of Iran's scientific leaders is held every year by the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology. In the current year, it was held with the presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology and the Minister of Science, Research and Technology.

The 7th selection of Iran's scientific leaders was held under the auspices of the Vice Presidency of Science and the chosen ones were introduced. In these 7 courses, 306 academic leaders participated, and Sharif University of Technology with 25 academic leaders is in the first place, Tarbiat Modarres University and Basic Knowledge Institute are in the next ranks.

So far, in this program, the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology has provided 51.5 billion tomans of support to 1,192 people from 119 financial support institutions. Also, in the form of this event, 330 study opportunities, 270 top articles, 253 studies, and 483 postdoctoral researchers were supported.

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, said in this meeting: I am very happy that the model considered by the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology in introducing Iran's scientific leaders has reached its seventh term and has been developed, and new plans and models will be presented soon.

He considered most of the obstacles in front of attracting and using the power and capacity of scientific leaders as a cultural problem and stated; Fortunately, the cooperation of the universities in this field and to attract the scientific leaders introduced is good by the National Elites Foundation.

Sattari called the scientific leaders of the country as human and national capitals and considered it necessary to solve their problems in every field and emphasized the cooperation of the vice presidency of science and technology and the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in solving these problems.

Revive the basic sciences

Mohammad Ali Zolfi Gol, Minister of Science, Research and Technology, also stated in this meeting that the scientific leaders hold the scientific authority of the country and said: These people have become national legends of Iran in the transnational arena.

Zolfi Gol said that it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Science to solve the employment problems and attract these people and said: We are trying to solve these obstacles and problems by using all our capacities.

Zolfi Gol continued: We must try to increase the recruitment of students in basic sciences. Unfortunately, some fields of basic sciences are still neglected.

He added: The number of universities that have established close cooperation with the industry is increasing and we should try to increase their number.

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