Iran Innovation Center opens Kenya Sattari Kenya focus East Afri
  • Jan 27 2021 - 15:44
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Iran Innovation Center opens in Kenya; Sattari: Kenya is the focus of East Africa's trade and technological cooperation with Iran

The Iran Innovation Center in Kenya was inaugurated in the presence of Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, Joseph Marchero, ICT Minister of Kenya, and Richard Ingati, President of the Chamber of Commerce.

 This center is supposed to act as a permanent base for Iran abroad to facilitate the export of Iranian knowledge-based and creative products and services to the East African market. The center is located in the old and renovated building of the Iranian Embassy in Kenya and the city of Nairobi, and was inaugurated today by the Vice President of Science and Technology. A place that develops the market for products and services of Iranian scholars in this country.

 Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, while appreciating the Kenyan officials and companies, said: "After I visited East Africa two years ago, which was accompanied by Iranian knowledge-based companies, Kenya has various capacities to develop technological relations and We got to know each other innovatively.

The Vice President of Science and Technology said that he was pleased with his promise to establish an innovation and technology center in Kenya, adding: "From the efforts of the Iranian Ambassador to Kenya, my colleagues in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and also our Executive Representative for their efforts." I appreciate the reconstruction of the building and the establishment of this center.

"Unfortunately, last year, our main problem was the Covid-19 pandemic," said the head of the National Elites Foundation, referring to the outbreak of the Corona Virus.

Regarding Iran's measures against Corona, Sattari said: "Since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak, the support of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has led knowledge-based companies to design and manufacture equipment and drugs related to the diagnosis and treatment of Covid-19 at international standards." Not only has the country's dependence on imports of these products been cut off, but we should also export to other countries.

Regarding Iran's success in the fight against coronary heart disease, he said: "Iran has made technological achievements in the field of Covid-19 vaccine." These measures were started by three groups months ago and have passed their clinical stages. Promising news of Iranian scientists obtaining the Corona vaccine will be published soon.

The head of the National Elites Foundation also stated: At the same time, the production of Covid-19 diagnostic and extraction kits was followed up by five Iranian companies and was concluded.

Sattari, noting that these efforts to control coronary heart disease continue, stressed: In the field of medical products that are produced to prevent the spread of Covid-19 virus, Iranian companies have also succeeded in building devices to produce various masks, Alcoholic and non-alcoholic gloves and disinfectants are applied to hands and surfaces.


Sattari added: "The United States prevented the import of international humanitarian aid to Iran during the Corona crisis." However, significant quantities of equipment, medical supplies, and diagnostic kits have been exported from Iran to various countries.

Sattari also said: "I hope that the opening ceremony of this center today and the face-to-face meetings between Iranian and Kenyan companies, which will be held after that, will become a turning point in bilateral economic cooperation." The Islamic Republic of Iran fully supports such cooperation between Iranian and Kenyan companies.

The event was attended by the President of the Kenya Chamber of Commerce Richard Ingati, Jafar Barmaki, Iran's Ambassador to Kenya, and representatives of 40 Iranian knowledge-based and creative companies and more than 100 Kenyan companies.

Also, representatives of 40 Iranian and 130 Kenyan companies, all of which are registered on the Innovation Center portal and their meeting times are pre-arranged, will meet at a business and technology meeting so that knowledge-based companies can have opportunities for export development, technology transfer And develop their international interactions.

Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 72692

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