Honoring position women Sattari developing women
  • Feb 3 2021 - 15:13
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Honoring the position of women in the Vice President for Science and Technology; Sattari: We are developing the women entrepreneurship ecosystem with a model in line with the country's culture

The Deputy Minister of Science and Technology had an intimate meeting with women entrepreneurs to discuss barriers to their social and economic activities.

Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari had an intimate meeting with women entrepreneurs on the occasion of Women's Day. In this meeting, he emphasized on the formation of a new ecosystem with the presence of women in parallel with the male ecosystem in the country, and said: we should try to create a new ecosystem in parallel with the male ecosystem in the country in accordance with Islamic culture and Iran. This must be done with the efforts of the women themselves.

Sattari added: Iran has a 6,000-year-old culture. Iran has registered the oldest civilization and commercial culture in its name. Iran's business culture and history of entrepreneurship is one of the largest and oldest in the world. So we must try to use this old culture for the development of the country today.

 The head of the National Elite Foundation continued: "We should develop our indigenous model in the country and not seek the unequivocal implementation of development models of European and American countries that have no harmony with Iranian and Islamic culture."

The Vice President for Science and Technology, noting that the economic structure of the country is imported, said: All facilities are available for import in the country; But there are many barriers to exports. We should try to develop the culture of entrepreneurship in the country. We must do this by relying on the old culture of our country.

Sattari added: The oil economy has destroyed the entrepreneurial culture of the country. We must revive this culture in the technology and innovation ecosystem of the country. A culture that leads to the economic development of the country. We must implement this culture in the field of women as well. That is, to develop entrepreneurship in the field of women in accordance with the existing Iranian-Islamic culture in the country.

 The Vice President for Science and Technology also stated: The Vice President for Science and Technology is ready to provide the infrastructure to develop the presence of women in the fields of science and technology. To do this, we need the presence of women themselves.

 Also, Fatemeh Hosseini, Advisor for Women's Affairs, Vice President for Science and Technology, said at the ceremony: "We are trying to develop the presence of women in the technology and innovation ecosystem." The Vice Chancellor for Science also seeks to increase women's participation in all missions defined for this institution.

Report from the Communication and Information Center of the Vice President for Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 72704

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