9 products field food safety vaccines unveiled Sattari Commercia
  • Jul 3 2021 - 14:05
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9 products in the field of food safety and vaccines were unveiled; Sattari: Commercialization of new biological products will help reduce the country's $ 400 million in foreign exchange

During the unveiling ceremony of Iranian products, the construction of food security and vaccines, the Vice President of Science and Technology emphasized the high impact of these products on reducing valuation.

These products were unveiled by Sorena Sattari, Vice President for Science and Technology, Ali Agham Mohammadi, Head of the Economics Department of the Office of the Supreme Leader, Kambiz Bazargan, Head of the Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, and Mostafa Ghanei, Secretary of the Biotechnology Development Office of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, Nabiullah The blood of Mirzai, the head of the Fisheries Organization, and Ali Safar Maken, the head of the Veterinary Organization.

 "We have a large brand in the field of human biotechnology," said the Vice President for Science and Technology at the ceremony. However, in the field of animal husbandry, poultry, aquaculture and plants, there is not much progress.

The Vice President of Science and Technology also stated: The production of these 9 products and their commercialization will ultimately reduce the value of the country by $ 400 million. Provided that we provide good conditions for these products to enter the market.

Sattari, stating that the technological actions in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology in the field of food security have started 3 years ago, said: "These companies are the source of fundamental changes in this field." In fact, companies guarantee the power of countries.

 The head of the National Elites Foundation added: "Iran has good conditions in the field of human biotechnology and entry into the field of livestock, poultry and aquaculture has just begun."

Sattari also said: "All this work has been made possible with the cooperation and cooperation of relevant institutions, and we must use the power of all sectors to develop technology in the country." For example, the Ministry of Jihad for Agriculture has access to an extensive network of agricultural research centers, and we must use the capacity of these networks. Each of these research centers must become a technology park in order for the output of the research to be effective.

He added: the government should change from a researcher to a research consultant. As long as the research is left to the public sector, we will not get results and the production of the product is the result of private sector investment. Iran is the most dependent in terms of food security and the only way out of it is the entry of technology and knowledge.

Ali Agham Mohammadi, head of the economic group of the Supreme Leader's Office, also said at the ceremony: "We must use the natural resources in the country properly." We must not allow these assets to be wasted. This requires the entry of knowledge.

He added: "It is necessary to pay attention to food security in the country because neglecting it has caused various cancers and diseases in the country."

Also at the ceremony, Mustafa Ghanei, Secretary of the Biotechnology Development Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, referring to the headquarters' plan to develop food security in the country, said: "To do this, we needed to identify and complete the chain of this ecosystem." So far, 360 billion tomans have been allocated from the credits of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology for this work.

Kambiz Bazargan, head of the Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, also said at the ceremony: "Dr. Sattari has entered the field of food security technology development in a deconstructive and daring manner and is seriously pursuing the implementation of plans and projects."

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