The needs to Specialized and General Educations in the Field of Renewable Energies Was Evaluated.
The needs to Specialized and General Educations in the Field of Renewable Energies Was Evaluated.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the meeting for holders of specialized educational courses in the field of renewable energies was held in the presence of activists of this field at the location of the headquarter of renewable energy technology development. In fact, the headquarter of renewable energy technology development held this meeting, attended by all related companies and educational institutes, in line with its main missions to educate, promote, inform and build general and specialized cultures in this field in order to increase social interactions to develop renewable energies.
Today, use of renewable energies is significantly growing despite its unpopularity among the public. Development and promotion of use of these energies lead to the realization of goals regarding the economic, social and environmental developments of the country, which are some of the essential factors for achieving a constant development in the country. The main key of development of renewable energies and its promotion in the country is the improvement of knowledge, human resource and acknowledging of the people. Today, the leading countries are those which greatly emphasis on this area.
In this meeting, holders of the educational courses of renewable energies express their main problems and concerns in this field, presenting the specialized, technical-vocational and general priorities and needs in this regard.
In addition, this headquarter has aimed to design specific course outlines according to the international education standards based on the valuable opinions of activists of this field to prevent parallel work and dispersal training and accelerate the growth and promotion of renewable energies.