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  • Mar 14 2019 - 17:26
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Sattari on the 31st Meeting of Heads of Provincial Elites Foundations:

The elite projects are operationalized with the support of entrepreneurship ecosystem.

The elite projects are operationalized with the support of entrepreneurship ecosystem.

The president of the national elites foundation expressed: facilities available in the country must be used to support top talents or to operationalize elite ideas and projects, which, of course, will only materialize in the context of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

According to the information center of national elites foundation, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, expressed on the 31st meeting of heads of provincial elites foundations: a new move is started toward knowledge-based economy, which is based on specialized human resources.

He mentioned the necessity of avoiding the resource-based attitude, continuing: in order to reach a dynamic and knowledge-based economy, the first step is toward the formation of ecosystem of entrepreneurship and idea making.

Software Facilities are the Solution to Development in the Country

Sattari continued: problems of the country cannot be solved with government money. In fact, specialized and committed human resources are required to solve our issues. Today, the number of research centers of the country that have high-quality equipment is not low. However, they have failed to exert the necessary impact due to the oil-based attitude. This means that software facilities pave the way for the development of the country and not hardware facilities.

The president of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter asserted: entrance of the new generation of young entrepreneurs to the economic fields of the country, which are often the output of startups and accelerators can lay the foundation for creation and growth of companies worth of billions. In addition to affecting the economy and occupation creation, such a process can provide reverse emigration as well.

Necessity of Accountability of Individuals and Organizations toward Receiving Government Facilities

Sattari mentioned that individuals and organizations must be accountable toward receiving government facilities, reminding: the art of using the current facilities of the country must be toward achieving goals. In fact, the facilities must be exploited to support top talents or operationalize elite ideas and projects, which will be realized with the help of the ecosystem of entrepreneurship.

Provincial Elites Foundations; Software Powers

Sattari emphasized that provincial elites foundations are the software power. In this regard, he asserted: the power of elite foundations is their soft power not hardware and buildings. Therefore, these units must move toward increasing their thinking power. One of the best measures taken in this regard has been the promotion of culture of entrepreneurship among the authorities and the society members.

The Game of Economy Must not Be Played by the Government

He continued: the game of economy must not be played by the government since only the cost of infrastructures must be paid by the state and no direct intervention must be made in this regard. The business environment must be managed and valuated by the private sector. In fact, economy will only flourish with the help of the specialized human resources and with the support of the private sector.

Necessity of Using the Provincial Capacities

Sattari talked about the necessity of designing and implementing empowering programs and mainstreaming for activities of startups and newly developed businesses, mentioning: remaining small, having a software view toward the foundation, and use of inter-provincial capacities are among the most important approaches of the elites foundation to increase the effectiveness of the provinces. These foundations must move toward supplying the human resources for knowledge-based economy.

Sattari emphasized: providing facilities without accountability is not a form of support but in fact a kind of betrayal. Support must be carried out with accountability. Therefore, the programs of provincial elites foundation must be designed and implemented with the approach of creating the business environment.

University Gains Meaning in the Environment of Entrepreneurship and Startups

The vice president for science and technology affairs expressed that the import industry requires university and specialized human resources, asserting: university gains meaning only in the environment of machines, design, entrepreneurship and startups.

He asserted: research makes money intrinsically, and if the business environment is appropriate, it can easily supply its own costs. However, government support and aid must exist in the knowledge border.

Development of Startups in the Field of Humanities

At the end, Sattari expressed: humanities must also enter startups. The high ranking of Persian language on the Internet and the soft power existing in this area have laid the proper foundation for development of startup in the humanities field. Meanwhile, business development and commerce and presence in expert areas can have a high value as well.

It is notable that the 31st meeting of heads of the elites foundations is held by the suggestion of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter to more familiarize those working in provincial foundations with the activities and achievements of Pardis Technology Park in the area of knowledge-based economy, including interaction and support of knowledge-based companies, growth centers, and startups in Pardis Technology Park.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 43027


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