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  • Nov 28 2023 - 09:44
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Permanency of 97% for the key people of knowledge-based companies by benefiting from the facilities of Amrieh/the ability of 1,200 knowledge-based companies in the field of export

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy visited the Public Communication Center of the Presidential Institution for the third time and answered people's questions.

According to the report of the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, at the same time as the anniversary of the martyrdom of Dr. Fakhrizadeh and the National Day of Innovation and Technology of Iran, Ruhollah Dehghani, in the 61st meeting of the Public Communication Center of the Presidential Institution, made answers to questions about the concerns of the technological, innovative and elite society.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economics, pointing to responding to and following up on the demands and addressing the concerns of the knowledge-based community as one of the priorities of the vice-presidency, added: the vice presidency of science is a dynamic and agile structure that does not have large dimensions and is a headquarters in nature, always with people are in interaction and communication, and therefore public communication is considered a continuous and everyday matter in the affairs and activities of the Vice Presidency of Science.

Emphasizing that the requests and concerns reached to the Vice Presidency of Science have not been answered and are on the way to follow up, Dehghani added: the Vice Presidency of Science is always interacting, discussing and following up people's concerns because the knowledge-based economy is a people's economy and is directly related to It is the people, this presence is necessary and desirable for promotion and cultural development.

The head of the National Elites Foundation continued: This meeting had consequences and blessings, and it was a good example that communication between knowledge-based companies and related institutions was one of the achievements of these meetings. I remember that in one of these online feedback sessions, a knowledge-based activist raised a concern in one of the calls, which was followed up by my colleagues in the Vice Presidency of Science, and luckily it came to a conclusion. A few days later, by chance, the Honorable Minister of Oil announced in a ceremony the country's need for a technology that was precisely related to the activity of this knowledge-based company, which fortunately provided the opportunity to connect the Ministry of Oil with the technology of this knowledge-based company.

Referring to the facilitation of military service for key activists of creative companies, Dehghani said: Fortunately, with the support of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the field has been provided for military service for the key and influential forces of creative companies in the company, and every year 200 of these qualified people can use this facility. The good experience of implementing this plan in knowledge-based companies showed that more than 97% of the key people of knowledge-based companies who used this facility stayed in the country and continued their knowledge-based business. The General Staff of the Armed Forces has also been activated for creative companies.

Pointing to the follow-up of support measures and mechanisms to facilitate the provision of capital for knowledge-based companies, he said: Technology research funds are among the most reputable institutions that issue guarantees and operate bank facilities, and banks are required by law to receive their guarantees. We are looking for specialized knowledge-based insurance and the creation of a knowledge-based risk bank, but until these two issues are realized, alternative solutions and those mentioned in the law are considered as financing and support solutions for knowledge-based companies.

Referring to the activity of more than 9,000 knowledge-based companies, of which more than 1,500 companies have export capabilities, the Vice President of Science added: We have nearly 12,000 knowledge-based products that include various specialized fields, and these evaluations may be carried out with brokers. do not; Therefore, we support the introduction of specialized evaluations.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 94787

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