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Today : Wednesday Oct 16 2024
  • Oct 12 2024 - 20:17
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Afshin at the unveiling ceremony of Gilan's knowledge-based achievements

Increasing knowledge-based companies to 30,000 companies by the end of the seventh plan

Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy during his visit to Gilan Province announced the definition of special support packages for the development of knowledge-based companies.

According to the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy today on the sidelines of visiting the knowledge-based workshop complex of Fashtam in Rasht, referring to the very good capacity of local knowledge-based companies that operate in various fields. He said: 10,000 knowledge-based companies are active in the country, which will reach 30,000 companies according to the seventh development plan.

Referring to the capacities of Gilan in various fields, including human resources, he added: There are many intelligent and talented people in the northern provinces, and Gilan has a large share among the country's elites, but the elites' peninsula is less used.

Afshin added: Knowledge-based companies are the driving force of production, employment and economy in the country, and the 14th government has a special plan to pay attention to these companies, science and technology parks and use their capacity for growth and development.

Stating that Gilan also has a special role in creating knowledge-based companies, he said: According to the available statistics, one hundred knowledge-based companies are operating in Gilan province in various fields, and we must provide the necessary platforms for exploiting their capacity.

The Vice President of Science stated that good support packages have been considered to support knowledge-based companies and said: the 14th government pays special attention to the production and economy of knowledge-based companies because these companies can greatly contribute to the economic growth of the country and create jobs for young people.


Visiting the knowledge-based achievements of Gilan province

In the continuation of this one-day trip, the Vice President of Science, accompanied by the governor of Gilan and a group of provincial officials, visited the exhibition of the products of Knowledge-Based companies in Fashtam, Rasht, and was closely informed about the issues, capacities and capabilities of Knowledge-Based companies in the province.

In this exhibition, the products by knowledge-based companies of the province, including power transformers and voltage stabilizers, semi-industrial production of intelligent aerial spraying robots and providing related services, design, production, installation and commissioning of remote reading systems for electricity and gas industries and some other achievements were displayed.



Unveiling a knowledge-based product


In the continuation of this visit, a product by a Knowledge-Based company was unveiled to control the water hyacinth plant, which is a serious problem in the Anzali wetland and other wetlands of the province. According to the manufacturer, this product does not contain dangerous chemical compounds such as poisons and pesticides and does not harm the nature and environment of the lagoon and its surroundings.


The Vice President of Science and Technology also visited 15 knowledge-based companies in Gilan Science and Technology Park in Rasht Industrial Town.

Afshin, upon his arrival in Gilan province, accompanied by Hadi Haghshenas, the governor of Gilan, paid his respects to the martyrs and honored the memory of the martyrs.

In his visit to Gilan province today, The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, will meet with Ayatollah Rasool Falahati, the representative of the Supreme Leader in the province, and will also have meetings with the elites, the best of the science olympiads, academics and faculty members.


  • News group : NEWS,Notes,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 99341

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