A Technological opportunity; Iranian Knowledge-based Companies Will Interact with a Kenyan Delegation
A face-to-face meeting will be held between Iranian knowledge-based companies and a government delegation from Kenya with the support of the international affairs & technological exchange center.
Sattari: Reliance on Knowledge-based Culture Will Make Development Sustainable
Sorena Sattari talked about the necessity of attention of all community sectors to the creative human resource capacity and cultural approach of economy and development during the meeting of knowledge-based economy and production leap of the province.
Opening an Innovation Center; Golestan Province Hosted Health Technologies
During his trip to Golestan Province, the vice president for science and technology affairs opened the first health innovation center to expand the medical technology and equipment ecosystem.
The Innovation Center of Gorgan Is Opened; Sattari: There is an Inseparable Link between People's Lives and Knowledge-based Companies
The science and technology park of Golestan hosted the vice president for science and technology affairs in Agh Ghala Industrial town in order to open the innovation center of Gorgan and pave the way for the development of the technology and innovation ecosystem in the province.
A Trip to Golestan/Sattari: the Impact of Knowledge-based Achievements on Society Is Visible
In a meeting with journalists of Golestan Province, the vice president for science and technology affairs stated: good things have happened in the field of knowledge base in the country and the effects of their achievements and these events are evident in the society.
“Rabe-e Rashidi” Reached the Eighth Round
The idea of holding the Rabe-e Rashidi innovation and technology exhibition and festival happened in 2005 and its first round was held as the exhibition of High-tech technologies of Iran and in the presence of 159 technological projects. The eighth round of the event will be held this year by using the experiences of previous rounds.
In the Presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs;
The innovation and technology ecosystem of Golestan Province will be developed
This morning, the vice president for science and technology affairs entered Golestan Province to open several innovation centers and take a valuable step toward the development of the innovation and technology ecosystem in the province.
Knowledge-based Companies Will Interact with Foreign Partners
Knowledge-based companies have aimed to become partners with technologists of other countries. This will lead to the identification of business partners and will accelerate the pace of international commercialization of products and services.
Opening “VITA” and a New Life for Medical Equipment; Sattari: Knowledge-based Companies Should Exhibit Their Abilities in the Area of Society Health Improvement
“VITA Innovation Center” was opened in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs. By repairing, rehabilitating, and optimizing medical equipment, this center of technology returns wealth to the medical economics cycle and revitalizes equipment in the field, bringing health to society.