Today, number of knowledge-based companies in the country has almost reached four thousand units.
  • Jan 22 2019 - 14:41
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  • Study time : 5 minute(s)
Sattari on the Administrative Council Meeting of Bushehr:

Today, number of knowledge-based companies in the country has almost reached four thousand units.

Today, number of knowledge-based companies in the country has almost reached four thousand units.

Sattari expressed: today, number of knowledge-based companies in the country has almost reached four thousand units, which shows the transformation in the type of view toward knowledge-based companies and perspective toward research, creative ideas, and the new approach of universities.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, went to the governorate of Bushehr along with the programs of his travel to this province in order to attend the administrative council meeting held in the presence of a number of provincial managers and decision-makers. In this meeting, he pointed out the need for a fundamental change in attitudes toward economics, young manpower and the knowledge-based economy.

Sattari mentioned that the 60 thousand billion tomans sales rate by knowledge-based companies in the last year and this amount of growth in the current year is indicative of highlighted role of knowledge-based in the economy and life of people. In this regard, he continued: the number of knowledge-based companies has almost reached four thousand today, which shows the transformation in the viewpoint of people toward knowledge-based companies and a new attitude and creative ideas and approaches by universities.

The vice president for science and technology affairs regarded expanding the space for entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem for the youth and domestic entrepreneurs of the province a necessity for creating a knowledge-based economy, asserting: creative and innovative youth must bring their innovative ideas to the field and no one must stop them. Closing a creative or knowledge-based business only damages a type of entrepreneurship.

The president of the national elites foundation considered the imported industry and incompatible university with needs of the industry and society the most important complications of this attitude, marking: If we seek actual and domestic industries, we must have the necessary knowledge and improve the design of the field. Therefore, educational and academic guidelines and strategies should also be defined in accordance with the conditions of the country and the needs of industry and society.

Pointing out the familiarity of the society with the concepts and importance of ecosystem of entrepreneurship, Sattari stated: no one knew about the innovation ecosystem in the past. Today, we know that an innovation ecosystem will create occupation, added-value and economy.

Sattari described the movement of Bushehr University Innovation Center as an example of changing attitudes toward the importance of effective research, creativity, and entrepreneurship, affirming: until recently,

advanced and expensive laboratory equipment purchased with government money were left un-used. Today however, with the provision of knowledge-based entrepreneurship infrastructure, youngsters are confidently using these opportunities to turn their creative ideas into wealth.

According to the president for science and technology affairs, creative and entrepreneurial young people country, who have no fear and high confidence level, play a role in the field of science, technology and the economy. This approach and the development of knowledge-based companies create the task of officials to establish a favorable environment and support it.

The vice president for science and technology affairs stated that universities and research have shown their role in the economy and everyday life of the people more than before, adding: today, universities are no longer considered as a social dilemma because of their new role, but rather as a place to convert ideas to Wealth has become.

Sattari emphasized that society should feel the pleasure of solving problems with the initiative of knowledge-based businesses, startups and applied research. In this regard, he asserted: we must make sure that the problems are solved only with wisdom and knowledge, and start-up look is not solved with money and credit is just a tool.

He continued: research finds its true meaning and concept when private-sector capital is attracted. The private sector investor must invest in research and employment. In this way, the government should provide them with a secure business environment.

A Mutual Perspective in Meeting with the Representative of the Supreme Leader and Temporary Friday Imam of Bushehr

In meeting with the Friday Imam and representative of the supreme leader of Bushehr, Sattari explained that the new environment has been created by the creative youth of the province to solve the problems of the people by relying on innovation. In this regard, he expressed: Bushehr has great potential and native technology units working in different fields should be able to enter the value-creating area with the support of the infrastructure and creating a favorable business environment.

The president of the national elites foundation emphasized the considerable growth of the technology park of the province, mentioning: everyone should come to a joint statement that the university"s output should be on the path to solving the problems of society and entrepreneurship. This common expression has been created today in various parts of the country.

Vision of Bushehr Is Being Turned into a Special Place for Science and Technology

Ayatollah Safaei Bushehri, the and representative of the supreme leader of Bushehr, expressed in this meeting: vision of Bushehr is being turned into a special place for science and technology.

The vice president for science and technology affairs went to the knowledge-based units of Bushehr based in Persian Gulf science and technology park and university of Bushehr and talked with young technologists and entrepreneurs of the province.

In addition to visiting and unveiling knowledge-based products in the research and technology center of University of Bushehr, and signing a multilateral agreement between the Vice-Presidency, the special zone of science and technology of Persian Gulf, science and technology park of Persian Gulf, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, municipality of Bushehr and Islamic council to create a knowledge-based and innovation region in Bushehr, Sattari visited the marine biotechnology growth center of Persian Gulf in Bushehr.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 41759


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