The foundation is laid for interaction of knowledge-based companies and startups of Iran and Singapore
  • Jun 12 2019 - 15:00
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The foundation is laid for interaction of knowledge-based companies and startups of Iran and Singapore

The foundation is laid for interaction of knowledge-based companies and startups of Iran and Singapore

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the main topics discussed on the meeting of the vice president for science and technology affairs and special representative of foreign minister of Singapore and managers of ministry of industry and business of the country included presenting joint executive solutions to establish interactions between the powerful knowledge-based companies and startups of Iran with their counterparts in Singapore, the method of passing from traditional economy to knowledge-based economy and experiences of Iran in using the capacities of non-resident Iranian experts and entrepreneurs.

During the meeting, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, pointed out the considerable growth of Singapore in this field in the past few years, stating: we are fully prepared to collaborate on the development of technology and innovation and joint investment in research and applied projects with Singapore and all countries in South East Asia.

Sattari pointed out that the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs has had successful joint research and technology projects with China and Russia, marking: this year, 28 applied projects with China have been defined.

He explained the design and implementation of the platform for cooperation with non-resident Iranian experts and entrepreneurs and talked about the similar experiences of China in attracting Chinese experts residing in the United States in the form of programs such as 100 talent program and 1000 talent program, claiming: every year, we have meetings with non-resident Iranian experts and entrepreneurs during our travel to New York with the goal of introducing the current capacities of the country.

He also pointed out the method to pass from traditional economy to knowledge-based economy in both countries.

The president of the national elites foundation mentioned the cooperation with Singapore in the field of the experiences of this country in government policies, asserting: we must use the joint experiences of the two countries to develop technology and innovation and develop the economy of the two countries. In response to a question, Sattari explained the approaches used to create the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Iran by the delegation of Singapore.

In terms of future of Asia-Pacific Innovation Fund (APIF), Sattari expressed: the major goal of networking with members of APIF is related to the areas of innovation and knowledge-based companies, and efforts will be made to strengthen the relations with East Asian countries.

Zeinolabedin, the specialized representative of minister of Singapore, stated on this meeting: the economic space and ecosystem created by the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs of Iran is considerably valuable. Concerning the challenges of Singapore in the field of human resources and cooperation with the surrounding countries, both parties can cooperate with each other to find joint solutions.

He pointed out the desire of Singapore for more synergy with Iran in the form of A.S.N union, declaring: regarding the presentation of 10-recommendation package program of Iran for cooperation with A.S.N union, especially the proposed package of the Vice-Presidency entitled “the project with design and implementation of laboratory network of the Asian countries union”, the Vice-Presidency is invited to attend the next meetings that will be held in September in Singapore. 

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  • News code : 44599


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