The booming of production depends on investment on science and technology parks.
  • Jul 3 2019 - 14:56
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Sattari on Meeting of Economy of Resistance of Zanjan Province:

The booming of production depends on investment on science and technology parks.

The booming of production depends on investment on science and technology parks.

The vice president for science and technology affairs expressed that the science and technology park of Zanjan initiates the booming of production and sustainable development with the help and sympathy of all sectors. In this regard, he added: the presence of the private sector in this park will help the export of products.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, talked with knowledge-based activists and academics of the province in the council meeting of economy of resistance in the final part of his trip to Zanjan Province.

Sattari regarded the support of science and technology park of the province to be in line with the boosting of production and export, stating: the science and technology park needs the public support. The presence of the private sector in the establishment of science and technology parks and accelerators is an innovative model that leads to boosting knowledge-based production and export. Successful examples of this model are currently observed in the capital of Iran and other large cities.

According to the vice president for science and technology affairs, axis of realization of knowledge-based economy is the presence of “an ecosystem”. In this context, he asserted: sympathy and cooperation between all sectors is the spirit of this ecosystem. If we can say the same thing, we pass half of the path of development of the ecosystem. We must know what will happen to the future of the province with this volume of valuable resources and natural infrastructures.

According to Sattari, one of the benefits and opportunities of Zanjan is its unique capacities.

Sattari pointed out that universities must have an active presence in this field. He continued: the outputs of universities must be a superiority for the economy and the graduates must be prepared and efficient for this field. Due to the fact that the major academic topics and peripheral concepts were not in accordance with our indigenous environment, there have been gaps between the university and the society as well as the university and industry. However, the new look, which has been gained through the boom of the innovation ecosystem at universities, has led to the placing of universities on this path by the mediation of improvement of the innovation ecosystem.

“Research” Is the Field for Role-playing of the Private Sector

The president of the national elites foundation considered the presence of the private sector an important principle, expressing: there are some important principles in research that must be the criteria for this field. First of all, a useful product must be obtained from the research of the private sector since projects carried out with government money cannot solve the problems of society.

Emphasizing the modified view toward entrepreneurship and young and creative capital, Sattari affirmed: to care for our young people and their innovations is to consider them as a part of the culture of the knowledge-based economy rather than being based on a false culture of focusing on material assets.

According to the vice president for science and technology affairs, entrepreneurship must be a value in the province as it was before. Some managers have two “drawers” in their desks, one for inhibiting production laws and one for production facilitating rules. All of these individuals must come to the realization that challenging laws must be corrected and facilitated to help entrepreneurs. It is the decision of managers, whether to help entrepreneurship or not.

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