The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy was appointed
  • Nov 2 2022 - 12:12
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The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy was appointed

The president appointed Rohollah Dehghani Firouzabadi as the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy.

In the decree of Seyyed Ebrahim Raeesi, the president addressed to Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, it is stated: "Based on the one hundred and twenty-fourth article of the Constitution and considering the degree of commitment, competence and valuable scientific and executive experiences, according to this decree, you will be appointed as the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy.

"There is hope by relying on the Almighty God and paying attention to "centered justice", "revolutionary spirit", "people's care", "clean hands", "anti-corruption", "rule of law" and "the provisions of the People's Government Managers' Agreement" by planning to the meaning of "scientific creation and development of strategic and power-creating technologies with an emphasis on emerging fields" through "identification, support and active guidance of top talents", "special attention to scientific education" and "development of opportunities for the development of elites to solve the country's fundamental problems in advancing the government's goals" People and a strong Iran" .

"Special attention to the increase of knowledge-based production and employment, the foundation for the realization of the governance in basic sciences, the development of Iran's indigenous innovation system, as well as problem-oriented investment in basic sciences and humanities are expected in the new term of responsibility of the vice presidency."

"Details of missions and expectations from that deputy are attached to this order."

"I wish you success and pride in serving the holy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran and fulfilling the missions and duties assigned by Almighty God."


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