Production Line Laminated Multilayer Plastic Film Opened Sattari
  • Jul 7 2020 - 15:37
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The Production Line of Laminated Multilayer Plastic Film Is Opened; Sattari: Employment Rate in Knowledge-based Companies Has Increased by 50 Percent

During his trip to Qazvin Province, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, opened the production line of laminated multilayer plastic film and thermal cellophane in Caspian Industrial Town.

This unit was put into operation with $5 million investment and 10,000 tons of annual production capacity as the first and largest producer of general printed products and visits to the Iranian printing industry.

During the ceremony, Sattari stated: there are proper technological and scientific capacities in the province, including scientific and educational centers and creative human resources. Formerly, proper investments have been made to develop the innovation and technology ecosystem in the area, which will continue in the future. This trip will lead to the development of the innovation and technology ecosystem in Qazvin province.

Sattari added: I always see improvements in the visit of industrial towns of Qazvin Province, such as Caspian and Alborz, which shows the abilities of the experts in the region. In this context, we can refer to the investment in the field of making low-consumption 3-cylinder engines one and six for the automotive industry, which is a major knowledge-based and large-scale action. The Vice-Presidency supports this move, and we hope that the mass production of this type of engine is started in the current year.

In the next part of the visit, Sattari pointed out the activities in the agricultural field, asserting: food safety issues are of paramount importance.

The president of the national elites foundation also talked about the employment rate of knowledge-based companies, affirming: last year, more than 300,000 direct jobs were created by these companies and they had sales of 120,000 billion tomans. At present, we are witnessing the presence of companies with a value of more than 150,000 billion tomans on the board. This year, we will definitely see a 40-50 percent growth in these companies.

Sattari also visited the national-industrial, and knowledge-based project of producing low-consumption three-cylinder engine.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

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