Scientific research cooperation expand relations between Iranian
  • Sep 20 2021 - 15:09
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  • Study time : 1 minute(s)

Scientific and research cooperation to expand the relations between Iranian and Chinese researchers was formed in three directions.

Joint scientific and technological collaborations between Iranian researchers and other countries are developing every day. Scientific interactions with Chinese researchers are one of these collaborations.

 The Fund for Support of Researchers and Technologists in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology has always considered the development of international scientific and academic relations in its actions. In this regard, it publishes calls for joint cooperation every year.

One of the actions of the Fund is to expand the scientific relations between Iranian researchers and China. The following are three steps taken by the Fund to develop these joint ventures.

1.Cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences

 Six years ago, the fund began its partnership with the Chinese Academy of Sciences through the publication of a call for the Silk Road Science Fund. So far 6 joint calls have been published. According to the call, the fund and the academy will support a maximum of three joint projects between Iranian and Chinese researchers. This call is announced and implemented in line with joint research activities between Iranian researchers and researchers of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the form of "joint research and development projects" and "joint workshops".

2. Cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Technology of China

So far, a joint call has been issued between the Research and Technologists Support Fund in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and the Chinese Ministry of Natural Science and Technology. The second joint call of the two centers is scheduled to be published this year. Based on this collaboration, 10 studies between researchers from the two countries are supported

 The first collaboration between the Fund and the National Natural Science Foundation of China was formed this year, and the first call for cooperation was published. Accordingly, 15 joint projects between researchers from the two countries are to be supported for implementation. These are joint research projects in the three disciplines of life sciences, materials sciences and mathematics.

With this scientific and research cooperation and support, the fund has paved the way for joint projects between researchers from the two countries. So researchers can collaborate with each other in most scientific fields.

 Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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