Sattari: 450 million dollars in foreign exchange savings will be realized annually by not importing localized items.
  • Aug 20 2022 - 15:34
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Sattari: 450 million dollars in foreign exchange savings will be realized annually by not importing localized items.

Referring to the formation of the first-time production working group, the vice president of science and technology said: the program for the first-time production of technological goods and in the form of Article 10 of the knowledge-based production leap law has been approved by the parliament and the Guardian Council, and its executive regulations have also been approved and communicated by the government.

Referring to the activity of this working group in the past three years, Sorena Sattari, the vice president of science and technology, said: this working group, in order to deal with the sanctions in the field of technological products, with the membership of the representatives of the vice president of science and technology and the ministry of industry, mining and trade, was established in September 2020.

The vice president of science and technology continued: In case of the approval of the above-mentioned working group, there is no requirement to hold a tender to enter into a contract with knowledge-based companies for the first production of sanctioned and strategic technological items, and the transaction in question will be carried out without the formalities of the law and regulations of holding tenders. The maximum amount of each contract is 5000 billion Rials for the energy field and 2500 billion Rials for other fields.

Sattari also stated: So far and during the past 3 years, 193 plans from more than 70 government and sovereign institutions have been received by the secretariat of the first-time production working group, and for 99 of them, the permission to leave the formalities of the law and regulations of holding tenders has been granted by the vice presidency of science and technology.

Referring to the foreign exchange savings resulting from the work of this working group, he emphasized: the value of the approved projects is equal to 84 million dollars, of which 53 cases (worth 35 million dollars) have led to the conclusion of the contract and the follow-up of the contract for the remaining cases. It is also being done by the Secretariat for the first time. According to the estimates, if the mentioned projects are successful, more than 450 million dollars will be saved for the country annually as a result of not importing localized items.

The head of the National Elites Foundation, also referring to the method of requesting permission from this working group, added: in case of a request to conclude a production contract for the first time, it is necessary to submit a letter of request from the highest authority of the executive body (executive directors or heads of the board of directors for companies, as well as heads of institutions and Organizations that are parties to the contract with Knowledge-based Company) should be sent to the First Production Secretariat in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology.

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