Iranian Technology Innovation Export House opens Russia Developi
  • Mar 31 2021 - 14:13
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Iranian Technology Innovation and Export House opens in Russia; Developing a market for knowledge-based and creative products across borders

The Iranian House of Technology Innovation and Export will be inaugurated in Russia in June in the presence of the Vice President of Science and Technology.

Russia is the fourth country to host Iran's House of Technology Innovation and Exports. Earlier, with the presence of Sorena Sattari, Vice President for Science and Technology, the house was inaugurated in China, Syria and Kenya, and the market for Iranian-made technological products in these countries flourished. In June 1400, Russia, as the fourth country, will host Iran's House of Technology Innovation and Exports.
This year, Iranian knowledge-based and creative companies, with the support of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and the Fund for Innovation and Prosperity, will be sent to Russia for the second time.

During the deployment, which will take place from June 3 to 5 in the presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology, face-to-face meetings between Iranian and Russian companies will be held in Moscow. Meetings that introduce the capabilities of the two countries' technologists to each other and will facilitate the process of importing technological products of the two countries.
The market of 147 million people in Russia and 185 million people in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union is a good opportunity to introduce and sell Iranian-based products. "Creating the export infrastructure of these companies" and "Cooperation with export agents in Eurasia, especially Russia" caused the International Science and Technology Interaction Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology to send a delegation of managers of knowledge-based and creative companies for the second time.

This trip will bring achievements such as launching the House of Innovation and Technology of Iran in this country. A center that can be a bridge for selling quality products based on providing knowledge such as "providing private and shared workspace", "showroom" and "providing software services such as market research and marketing to knowledge-based and creative companies" In the Russian and Eurasian markets. This house is a safe way to develop the Iranian technology market in other countries.
During this trip, a joint production workshop will be opened for Iranian knowledge-based companies so that with the help of this infrastructure, interested companies can produce their products in Russia and send them to global markets with easier and more favorable conditions.
Visiting the Russian Innovation and Technology Ecology is another program of this three-day trip so that the actors in the field of science and technology can get acquainted with the achievements and technological infrastructure of the country.

The applicant knowledge-based and creative companies can visit here for more information and registration until April 6.
Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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