Iran Trade Technology Summit Held Syria Sattari Iran restriction
  • Mar 2 2021 - 14:57
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Iran Trade and Technology Summit Held in Syria; Sattari: Iran has no restrictions on trade and technology exchange with Syria; We are expanding technology diplomacy with countries

The second Iran Trade and Technology Summit was held in Syria with the presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology.

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, at the opening ceremony of the second trade and technology meeting between 40 Iranian companies and Syrian technology groups, referred to what has happened in Iran over the past six years.

The Vice President for Science and Technology continued: "Today, more than 40 knowledge-based companies are attending this conference, and this is a small part of what has happened in Iran in the field of technology." Today, Iran has the largest startups in the region in the field of information and communication technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, aerospace, stem cells and other advanced technologies.

The head of the National Elites Foundation said that the new generation of knowledge-based, technology and creative companies has been developed by young and educated manpower in Iran, adding: "These young people and advanced companies are the future of Iran's economy." They are our resilient barrier to international threats and sanctions. This new generation of companies is learning how to export their products to international markets.

 Sattari continued: "I hope that today's meetings will form the right connection between the two sides, Iran and Syria, in order to increase technological and knowledge exchanges between the two countries." Iran has no restrictions on trade and technology exchanges with Syria.

Referring to the opening of the Iranian House of Innovation and Technology in Syria, the Vice President for Science and Technology emphasized: "We have also built these houses in China and Kenya, and the third center in Syria will be opened tomorrow." We hope that this office will help to develop trade and technology exchanges between the two countries in the field of knowledge base.

The second meeting of Iranian knowledge-based companies and Syrian technology groups was held with the aim of creating a space for presenting Iranian products in this country. Representatives of Iranian knowledge-based and creative companies accompanied the delegation on the first day of their stay in Syria to better understand the country's business environment in face-to-face meetings with Syrian technology groups. These meetings were held in cooperation with the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and the Innovation and Prosperity Fund.

In these meetings, Iranian and Syrian companies presented their achievements and capabilities to the other side in order to find an export market for themselves.

The first face-to-face meeting between 40 Iranian knowledge-based, technology and creative companies was held in July of last year at the same time as the Syrian Reconstruction Exhibition, and 15 companies in the National Pioneer of Knowledge-Based Companies participated in the exhibition.

 In this trip, the managers of knowledge-based and creative companies from different fields will accompany the Iranian delegation. Capable export companies in various fields such as "medical equipment", "medicine", "electricity and electronics", "advanced materials", "medical equipment", "information and communication technology", "advanced machinery and equipment", "biotechnology", Agriculture and Commercialization Services will meet with their counterparts during the trip.


Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 73213

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