Iran technological exchanges expand beyond borders business dele
  • May 26 2021 - 15:41
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  • Study time : 1 minute(s)

Iran's technological exchanges expand beyond its borders; The business delegation is going to Armenia for the second time; Accompanying 30 knowledge-based and creative companies

With the support of the Center for International Interaction in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, a delegation of technologists and academics will travel to Armenia in July this year.

More than 30 Iranian companies traveled to Armenia in February last year with the support of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and the Innovation and Prosperity Fund. This event paved the way for the development of technological exchanges between Iranian knowledge-based companies and technologists in this country.

The expansion of bilateral interactions between Iran and Armenia is very strategic and vital. Because the market of this country has a high capacity for accepting knowledge-based and creative companies, and trade exchanges with Armenia can play an effective role in the development of bilateral relations. The long-standing relationship of several thousand years between Iran and Armenia is an advantage and opportunity that can be used properly to create a profitable and valuable market for Iranian technological products.

Accordingly, after a 4-day visit of Iranian knowledge-based companies to this country, from July 7th to 10th of this year, a business and technology delegation will leave for this country in the presence of the head of the International Science and Technology Interaction Center Bilateral interactions and technological cooperation between the two countries should be provided more than before.

second meeting between the companies of the two countries, a meeting with the economic officials of Armenia and a visit to the industrial infrastructure of that country will be among the plans of this trip.

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