During the Provincial Travel to Gilan; 50 Research Achievements Will Be Exhibited
  • Jun 30 2020 - 19:33
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During the Provincial Travel to Gilan; 50 Research Achievements Will Be Exhibited

Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, traveled to Gilan. During this travel, Sattari opened the complex of knowledge-based and technological companies in the science and technology park of the province.

Sattari was welcomed by the governor of Gilan province upon entering the region. The first part of the trip included visiting the science and technology park of Gilan Province. A complex of knowledge-based and technological companies was opened in science and technology park to accelerate the pace of businesses in the center.

Four workshop sheds for this complex are considered with the support of the scientific deputy, which has a total area of 1,400 m2.

Four knowledge-based companies in the fields of design and production of machinery, design and equipment of aquaculture, production of organic fertilizers sterilized from animal waste and formulation of industrial degreasers in this place continue their technological activities.

In addition, Sattari visited the exhibition of knowledge-based and technological companies based in the science and technology park of Gilan. In total, 12 companies presented their products in the exhibition.

Visiting the advancements made in the science and technology town of Gilan province is another part of the trip. 30 hectares of space is provided for this town and soon the first phase will be prepared with an area of eight hectares.

In addition, he visits the University of Gilan and the exhibition of technological achievements in the university. Among the university's top 100 technologies, 50 research achievements in four areas will be on display at the exhibition, including products from growth center companies, Corona Country, the achievements of the university's various faculties, and R&D companies.

Visiting several knowledge-based companies, the technological achievements and products of the Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, initiating the work of the non-governmental research and technology fund of the province and meeting with the representative of the Supreme Leader in the province and the Friday Imam are other parts of this one-day trip. In addition, an executive contract will be signed with the innovation factory of Rasht.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


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