Dehghani: The formation of technology giants in the petrochemical industry is an effective way to improve the added value in the industry/ $120 million was registered in the production working group for the first time in the oil industry.
  • Dec 18 2022 - 15:40
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  • Study time : 3 minute(s)

Dehghani: The formation of technology giants in the petrochemical industry is an effective way to improve the added value in the industry/ $120 million was registered in the production working group for the first time in the oil industry.

The Petrofen conference was opened with the presence of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy aimed to develop the penetration of technology and innovation in the industry.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, pointed out the necessity of forming big technological giants in the petrochemical industry. These industries will be confiscated for the benefit of other countries and only the territorial advantage of these huge natural resources will remain for our country.

He added: Every country has its own special advantages and opportunities that should be taken advantage of. One of the main territorial advantages of Iran is the existence of the oil industry in our country.

According to Dehghani, the penetration of technology and innovation into the oil industry should happen from the upstream parts of the industry. By using the technology and innovation, many countries have been able to improve the use of their natural resources and improve the efficiency of their actions.

He added: Until 50 years ago, only having underground resources was considered a special advantage and privilege for countries, but today it is not like that and it is necessary to use technology and innovation to produce added value and new products from these resources. The value created from raw material trading is not comparable to the profit margin obtained from technological products and is a very small number. A product that is produced based on innovation and technology has 1000 times the profit margin of raw products.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stating that the activists of the petrochemical field should pay attention to this point, if they do not use technology and innovation to produce their products and complete the value chain of this industry, there are also threatening conditions as much as they have opportunities in.

He added: Today, many knowledge-based companies operate in the field of oil and petrochemicals, and based on the statistics recorded in the production working group for the first time, the first rank of requests is related to the oil industry, and the amount of 120 million dollars has been recorded in this field. That is, for every dollar of investment, 8 dollars of profit has been obtained.


Supplying the needs of the oil sector with the help of local technologists

The head of the National Elites Foundation pointed out that the petrochemical industry is full of technological needs in areas such as the production of rotating equipment, technical knowledge, materials, catalysts, etc., provided that its value is fully provided and completed.


Dehghani continued: This work also requires connecting the university to the industry. It is necessary for this connection to go through its correct form. It means that the industry supplies its needs to knowledge-based companies and these companies enter to meet these needs with the help of their technology. Of course, knowledge-based collections use universities and research centers to provide knowledge and conduct their research, and finally, industrial needs are met by connecting to universities and knowledge-based companies.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy considered the formation of a consortium for knowledge-based companies and the creation of technological giants among the necessities of the development in the petrochemical industry and stated: These technological giants are the best option for the development of technology and innovation in industries. There are different Giants that have been created in some countries that lack natural resources and have made huge profits for themselves. Establishing these centers in Iran as the owner of natural resources is definitely necessary and necessary.

He named the steps of the Vice Presidency of Science to support the knowledge base of the petrochemical industry as service insurance, help in financing companies and support at the governance level and said: "For the knowledge-based companies in the petrochemical industry, all public and private actors active in this field must be involved." And they should have synergy and cooperation with each other.


He also said: Persian Gulf Holding has access to the largest market in the petrochemical industry and can increase the added value of this industry with proper planning and the use of technology and innovation.



Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

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