Dehghani Firouzabadi in the new community of Sharif freshmen: University is an opportunity to gain experience in all fields.
  • Nov 4 2022 - 10:34
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  • Study time : 3 minute(s)

Dehghani Firouzabadi in the new community of Sharif freshmen: University is an opportunity to gain experience in all fields.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy attended the gathering of Sharif University's new freshmen and spoke about the things that students need to progress in order to be effective in the country's progress.

Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, pointing out that Sharif is the best university of technology in Iran and has always been a source of pride, said: I pay tribute to all the fathers and mothers who have worked hard for years, and today their children are among the new university freshmen. Honorable Sharif children have worked hard during their studies, so I ask the families to allow the children to have freedom of action in the university, especially in thinking and making decisions.

He stated that one cannot get where he is by just studying and reading, and finding a good professor is the first condition for progress, and said: My first advice to new incoming students is to try to find good professors or successful senior years in the first months and connect themselves to them.

According to Dehghani Firouzabadi, participation in group work is one of the topics that students should pay special attention to and look at the university as an opportunity to gain experience in all fields.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy continued: I don't know any student from Sharif University who was active in student groups, worked and remained unemployed when they graduated from the university.

Stating that the university is a place where you should learn and experience dialogue, debate, reasoning, analysis and teamwork, he said: There are ten thousand companies around Sharif, which are mostly made up of activists in Sharif University, and tens of billions of Tomans that they have value and provide solutions for big problems.

Never forget to read the books

Dehghani Firouzabadi also emphasized that as much as there are problems in this country, there are also opportunities, and said: This country is becoming more technical and engineering every day, and in the era of technical and technological development, the need for engineers increases greatly.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, pointing out that the noble children who study normally but develop their social intelligence are indisputable successful, added: "Don't just study, sit next to great people. Never forget sports, recreation, learning art, participating in groups and political and academic discussions, and reading books."

The secret of success depends on group and deep work

Stating that success depends on group and deep work, he said: Honorable students are gold, and gold never becomes worthless, but it is possible that a gold or jewel may not be discovered, which is considered a great danger for the society.

Dehghani Firouzabadi pointed out that the path is completely open for elites who decide to be influential, and said: every locomotive student is a stream that can create great events, all those who have reached a place in the world have one point in common, and that is trust. It is balanced by an infinite force that is God, a God who is for all people with all views and tastes.

We deserve the best economy in the world

He continued: We have a religion whose elder says that worship has 10 parts, 9 of which are halal business, we have a progressive religion, 90% of which is halal business, this religion is made for the life of this world.


The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, pointing out that the country progresses when its rulers are among the elites, said: We deserve the best economy in the world, and this cannot be achieved unless the elites are thoughtful, visionary, study, think and effective in the development of the country. The place of honorable elites is in industry and business, but governance systems are considered the highest place for elites.

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