4 Services provided creative companies develop domestic foreign
  • Sep 26 2021 - 15:11
  • 251
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)

4 Services are provided to creative companies to develop domestic and foreign markets.

To address that, specialized services are provided to companies to alleviate this concern.

In this regard, creative companies can benefit from 4 services of the creative secretariat to develop their market inside and outside. Various services and facilities that prepare the ground for the expansion of the domestic market of Iranian products and also provide a platform for these products to go beyond the borders. Currently, nearly 1400 creative knowledge companies are active in the country, and with the support and provision of services, the ground is provided for their product development.

 Below are the services provided to these companies.

1.Specialized marketing and sales consulting

 Experts and specialists provide the necessary advice for product marketing to the activists of creative companies in order to achieve more sales by receiving this service. So far, 41 consulting sessions in the fields of marketing and sales, market research and branding have been provided

2. Support for digital marketing services

Due to the significant impact of digital marketing on traditional marketing methods of providing consulting services, digital marketing is included in the service and support program of the creative secretariat and so far 87 companies have used this service. 

3. Supporting attendance at domestic exhibitions

The presence of creative companies in domestic exhibitions, in addition to providing a basis for introducing their product, can be a way for companies to interact more with each other. In this field, 62 creative companies were supported to participate in Inotex exhibitions and virtual exhibitions in Iran.

 4. Supporting the preparation of specialized market research reports

So far, support for market research reports in the video game industry, including 34 comprehensive reports, has been supported.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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  • News code : 78381

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