"Financial innovation" and "productivity" are two requirements of the ecosystem of knowledge-based economy
  • Apr 16 2023 - 09:32
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  • Study time : 7 minute(s)
Dehghani at the Finotex Policy Council meeting:

"Financial innovation" and "productivity" are two requirements of the ecosystem of knowledge-based economy

The first meeting of the Policy Council for the financing, technology and innovation event was held with the presence of the secretaries of different departments and members of this council.

In this meeting, Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, stated that the existence of an innovative and coherent financing system is the main need of the ecosystem of technology and innovation and value creation, but to have an impact on the economy and society, they need a financing system based on the nature and structure of the technology and innovation ecosystem; If we want to penetrate the knowledge-based economy in people's lives, a financing stream should be added to the country's technology and innovation stream so that companies can properly follow the path of their effectiveness.

Dehghani, stating that the Vice Presidency of Science has made the two missions of technology development and knowledge-based economy development the focus of his movement, continued: Technology development headquarters and knowledge-based economy development headquarters have been formed in different fields to realize these two important goals.

Innovative models to direct funds to the ecosystem of technology and innovation

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, referring to crowdfunding as one of the pioneering models in attracting funds to the field of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, said: the role of the crowdfunding system can guide and attract potential funds to the knowledge-based ecosystem to be effective; Serious planning should be done for stray funds and significant amount of liquidity. The Finotex event can be effective in this targeting so that the flood of funds in the hands of the people will be directed towards the development of technology and innovation.

Emphasizing that financing is the final and unavoidable part of the prosperity and maturity of the technology and innovation ecosystem, Dehghani continued: If the structure and system of technology and innovation financing is not properly defined and implemented, we will be a gardener who plants a tree. It has reached sufficient growth, but during the fruiting of this fruit, it has avoided the necessary care and fertilization; Therefore, we must make all our determination so that this financing system is properly implemented in the country.

He added that despite the special emphasis of the Supreme Leader, high-level documents, the support of the heads of the country and the significant growth of knowledge-based and technological companies, capital and liquidity are still not spent in the direction of technology. Finotex event has the capacity to reduce people's investment risk with innovative solutions and pave the way to direct capital to the technology and innovation ecosystem.

Financial innovation and productivity

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy considered financial innovation and production to be two important and vital things for the development of the country's knowledge-based economy ecosystem and said: attention should be paid to financing production with the help of public funds and government funds. The link between people's capital and the ability of knowledge-based companies, in addition to production, provides the basis for productivity.

Emphasizing the need to pay attention to the use of the capacity of knowledge-based cooperatives, Dehghani added: These cooperatives can play a significant role in financing knowledge-based and technological companies.

He stated that the financing system is also necessary for companies that have recently been activated in the ecosystem of the knowledge-based economy and have started their work. Finotex event has a suitable capacity to define innovative financing methods for such companies by defining a special mechanism.

Creating a coherent structure for financing innovation and technology

Hashem Aghazadeh, Assistant Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy in the field of Knowledge-Based Economy, also in this meeting, pointing out that this meeting aims to explain the plans and strategies of the first technology and innovation financing event with the aim of synergizing and exchanging the views of the activists and those involved. To show the importance of the events that are held at the national and international level and to know the correct direction of such events, a political council consisting of stakeholders and influential people will be created. In the Finotex event, an effort has been made to use the capacity and cooperation of all institutions effective in financing knowledge-based companies, such as banks, stock market, technology parks, investment funds, etc.

Aghazadeh stated that for the planning and management of the first edition of the Finotex event, a jihadist and round-the-clock effort has been made by those involved, he continued: Considering the good and successful experience of holding the 11 editions of the Innotex international event and its experiences in the field of technology financing and Innovation, the first international innovation and technology financing event named Finotex, was founded and placed in the format of Innotex, so that while the financing of the technology and innovation ecosystem is more seriously considered, the path of interaction and connection will be smoothed between capital owners and companies, the owner of innovation and technology that needs financing.


Appreciation of top investors

Aghazadeh, referring to the festival of the most influential financial institutions in the ecosystem of knowledge-based economy as one of the main parts of the Finotex event, said: This festival will be held with the aim of introducing financial institutions that have the most influence in supporting and financing knowledge-based companies.

  He added: By holding this festival, we are trying to count the achievements and performance of all influential and financial activists in the field of technology and innovation and to symbolically appreciate the efforts of some of them.

The Assistant of the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy mentioned the Knowledge-Based Aid Index as a criterion and model for identifying effective activists in supporting and financing the technology and innovation ecosystem and added: By awarding this index in the form of a festival statue, a number of individuals and institutions Influencers who have been influential in supporting knowledge foundations and financing their projects will be supported and recognized with the "knowledge foundation supporter" criterion.

A platform for technological and innovative financing

It should be noted that the first edition of the International Innovation and Technology Financing Event (Finotex) will be held with the support of the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy at the same time as the 12th edition of the Innotex 2023 exhibition.

The first Finotex event witnessed various parts, including the festival of introducing and honoring the most influential financing and investment institutions in the field of knowledge-based economy, holding panels, seminars and training workshops, capital cafe in the form of holding B2B meetings and communication between startup teams and investors, the establishment of consultants' desks. It will be held to provide financing and investment consulting services in the knowledge-based field.

Educational workshops are planned with the knowledge-based companies' needs and concerns, and in areas such as valuation and validation, how to enter the stock market and over-the-counter market, the audience will be hosted during the event.

Banks, insurances, investment institutions, crowdfunding platforms, credit boosters, science and technology parks, fintechs and accelerators are among the participating institutions in the field of financing in the form of this event.

This technological and financial event will host the audience on May 5-8, 2023 from 10:00 to 18:00 at the same time as the 12th International Technology and Innovation Exhibition (Innotex) at Pardis Technology Park.

The main goal of Finotex event is to synergize and constructive interaction between investor institutions and companies in need of financial and capital resources, because financing is one of the serious gaps and needs of the technology and innovation ecosystem.

Investors, technology companies and other interested parties can visit the Finotex event registration site and register their data until April 19 of this year.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

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