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Opening of 4 innovation and technology centers in Semnan; Sattari: The province's knowledge-based and creative companies experienced double growth

Innovation centers located in the Science and Technology Park of Semnan Province were inaugurated in the presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology.

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, went to the Science and Technology Park of Semnan Province in the first part of her trip and inaugurated the first phase of the Technology Growth Workshop, Innovation Centers in Information and Communication Technology, Water, Energy, and Agriculture.

Sattari also inaugurated the second building of the Semnan Science and Technology Park Development Center. The Incubator has about 40 technology centers and turns their innovative ideas into products or services in the fields of water, energy, agriculture, digital technologies, advanced machinery and mining industries.

Also in the presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology, the first private sector innovation center was opened to host innovative ideas and active technology nuclei in the fields of agriculture, water and energy.

During his visit to this province, referring to the doubling of knowledge-based companies, creative and technology units in Semnan, the Vice President of Science and Technology said: "Fortunately, this province has very good capacities in developing knowledge-based and creative businesses with more than 600 units." Knowledge-based, creative and technological, this capacity has increased by more than 100%. In various visits to innovation centers, knowledge-based companies, creative and other sectors of Semnan province, we will try to develop this innovative and technological capacity with the cooperation of the provincial sectors.

Sattari, emphasizing the need to support all provincial sectors for the prosperity of knowledge-based and creative businesses of the province's indigenous youth, continued: The province's science and technology park has made significant progress compared to the past and in various parts of the province, the ground for business development Provides knowledge-based and creative. Of course, we are far from reaching the desired point, and there are very good latent capacities in this province for transformation, which should reach the stage of prosperity by facilitating the innovation ecosystem.

The Vice President of Science and Technology also said: "It is very important that all parts of the province join hands with empathy and a new perspective, so that the creativity of educated and young native manpower remains in the province and by creating a knowledge-based or creative business," Turn the idea into a product or service that while creating the problems of the province, is the creator of employment and added value.

Referring to the development of latent capacities in the field of geological and mining technologies, he said: Semnan province has very good capacities in the development of knowledge-based and creative companies, especially in the field of geology and mining industries, and currently good companies are active in this field of technology. In conjunction with related industries, they can generalize technology to traditional structures.


The Vice President of Science and Technology noted support for creative and innovative homes to expand the export of knowledge-based and creative achievements.

The head of the National Elites Foundation, referring to the support of the innovation and creative houses to export products and services of knowledge-based and creative companies, said: "We will implement a strategic plan to develop these houses in other countries." And through this, we develop technology and innovation in Iran's innovation ecosystem to other countries.

 "Fortunately, with the help of the country's creative and knowledgeable manpower, Iran is now involved in many areas of technology, including nanotechnology, stem cells and biotechnology," he said, referring to Iran's knowledge and technological capabilities as a pillar for overcoming restrictions and empowering internationally. It's the best. A successful example of this can be seen in the Corona era when under the conditions of sanctions, knowledge-based and advanced equipment was produced and met the needs of the country.

 Continuing his one-day visit to Semnan province, the Vice President of Science and Technology will visit technological and innovative projects in Semnan province and, while visiting knowledge-based companies located in Shahroud Industrial Town, will inaugurate the Center for Accelerating Innovation and Commercialization of Energy Technologies. Inauguration of Damghan University Electron Microscope Laboratory, the inauguration of Poursina Incubator of Semnan Science and Technology Park and participation in Semnan Provincial Administrative Council are other plans of Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 73706

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