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Dehghani: The growth and excellence of elite human resources is the most important mission of Shahid Ahmadi Roshan's plan

A group of professors leading the Shahid Ahmadi Roshan project met and talked with the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in the presence of a number of professors who led the previous courses of the Shahid Ahmadi Roshan plan, pointed out that the ultimate goal and mission of the Shahid Ahmadi Roshan plan is the excellence and cultivation of creative and concerned human resources. The plan has passed six periods and is in the process of implementing its seventh period. During the implementation of these courses, valuable experiences and achievements have been gained, but in the continuation of this path and in order to achieve better results, this plan needs reforms and developments to bring excellence and progress.

The head of the National Elites Foundation stated that Shahid Ahmadi Roshan plan can be the basis for the connection between innovative ideas with the platforms and infrastructure necessary to transform these ideas into products, problem solving or employment. For example, we have 400 accelerators in the country, and these accelerators generally have infrastructure and physical space. The technology cores and the location are available to the accelerators, but the mentor is the need of these accelerators. From this point of view, in the elite foundation, there are young and motivated mentors who do not benefit from the establishment space. Shahid Ahmadi Roshan plan can be the foundation for the connection between these two valuable resources and the management of existing resources can be the foundation for achieving many such valuable results.

Dehghani pointed out that Shahid Ahmadi Roshan plan can provide the basis for the training of a significant number of elite and capable human resources by supporting and creating a platform for outstanding professors, and continued: In the framework of this plan, with the support of a valuable professor, he turned him into a personality that is the basis for the education and excellence of several talented young students. Along with this professor, people should be trained not only in technical and specialized aspects but also in all personal and moral dimensions, so that in the future they can solve a problem of the society and be the foundation for the education and excellence of others.

He added: When we talk about teacher-oriented cores, it means that capable, ethical and dignified people should be introduced and supported as indicators so that they can guide and train people in a completely intelligent and purposeful way. We must provide support and authority to these professors and follow the lofty goals of Shahid Ahmadi Roshan plan in this structure. If there are a number of prominent professors that people refer to these professors, and a number of prominent people are trained alongside these professors, then Shahid Ahmadi Roshan plan has definitely achieved its lofty goal.

Dehghani pointed out that the capacity and purpose of Shahid Ahmadi Roshan plan is higher than the definition and implementation of the project, and continued: One of the most important goals of this plan is the training and promotion of human resources, which is a noble and sacred goal, and I hope it will be successful. May the blessings of this plan be given to those involved and the organizers.

Increasing the share of humanities and social sciences projects

In another part of the meeting, Nasser Bagheri Moghadam, the deputy of the National Elites Foundation, while appreciating the presence of the leaders of the Shahid Ahmadi Roshan plan, said: This project, which is decorated with the name of Shahid Ahmadi Roshan, has definitely brought many fruits and blessings in its previous six periods. And in the seventh period, which is in progress, compared to its previous periods, it has witnessed changes.

Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Movahed, the deputy of the future makers of the National Elites Foundation, also presented a report on the implementation process of the previous periods of the Shahid Ahmad Roshan plan and stated: The National Elites Foundation, in the form of its problem-oriented plans, is on the verge of entering the eighth period, and based on this, consensus He has prepared this plan with the leaders so that in a synergistic and decision-making atmosphere, for the implementation of the eighth period of this plan, decisions will be made that will bring the foundation closer to its goals than in the past.

He added: In the seventh period, there were relatively significant changes in the implementation of the plan. Based on the strategy that was carried out after the activities, in the seventh period, the main focus was on demand-oriented cores and the third one was focused on priority-oriented ones. Also, in the seventh period, 476 nuclei were approved and started their activities. 6,000 applications and 2,167 candidates were present in the seventh period.

In this meeting, a number of leading professors of the previous courses of the Shahid Ahmadi Roshan plan, while expressing their experiences and achievements, shared their concerns, views and opinions with the president of the National Elites Foundation, the deputy director of the foundation and other attendees.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90664

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