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Meeting of the members of the Health, Environment and Urban Services Commission of the City Council with the Deputy Minister of Science and Technology; Sattari: Innovations increase municipal revenue / Municipality accelerates businesses

In a meeting with members of the city council, the vice president of science and technology stressed the need for the municipality to generate revenue from innovations and accelerate the institution for business development.

The members of the commission met with Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, to review innovative and smart solutions in Tehran.

Reducing the confrontation between the traditional and innovative urban sectors In this meeting, pointing out that changing attitudes is the most important need for the municipality and city council to bring about innovative changes in the city, he said: "Injecting innovation in cities is very important and should be done with Help with internal power.

The Vice President of Science and Technology continued: "One of the most important problems in this area is the confrontation between the traditional sector and innovative ideas, and we should try to solve this problem so that creative ideas can be injected faster and better into urban needs."

He considered people as the main customers of municipal services and said: people should ask for the requested service from city managers and these services should be available and cheap. Two issues have been forgotten.

The head of the National Elite Foundation added: "For example, there was a lot of opposition from traditional actors in this field to launching online taxis." Obstacles that didn’t allow them to operate, although it was ultimately the creativity that won the competition.

The Vice President of  Science and Technology also said: "If the municipality had been with the youth and their creative ideas from the beginning, it would have owned these technologies and generated income from them, but the traditional view of some old actors in this field prevented this from happening."

According to the head of the Soft Technologies and Soft and Creative Industries Development Headquarters, we should outsource the service to the private sector because the private sector has a better understanding of this. We must stand by this sector and accelerate service delivery. The Vice President for Science and Technology added: "Due to the opposition and the lack of proper cooperation of the municipality, the innovative provider of services in this area has not been formed properly." If the municipality and the city council enter this area in a principled way, their income will increase. This must also happen in the field of cultural services.

The head of the Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Headquarters added: "One of our existing and serious weaknesses is in the field of humanities." In this area, we have only published books and created libraries, while we have not taken any action to commercialize this basic and important science. We need to learn the culture of scientific development that we know as commercialization. For example, creating creative homes and innovation and increasing creative companies is one of the successful examples of this work.

Sattari continued: the municipality can use the unused buildings or the space of the existing cultural centers to develop creative and innovative businesses in this field and provide them with these spaces.

Criticizing the inefficiency of spending in the field of education, the Vice President of Science and Technology said: "We must make sure that these training are finally reflected in the society 5 years later." But due to the government's entry into this area, we have not achieved the desired result. We must keep in mind that research is the product of the work of the private sector, not the government. The head of the National Elite Foundation added: "There are many ideas in the field of waste, water management, transportation, cultural and creative industries, etc. in the country, the correct use of which depends on the correct use of capabilities, technologies, and innovations of the private sector and companies." Knowledge-based and creative.

He considered the formation of a cooperative team between the city management and the scientific and technological deputy necessary and said: the urban needs should be mentioned in this special working group and the scientific deputy should be a bridge between connecting these needs to the country's specialists and innovators. This work also leads to the formation of technology ecology and innovation in this field.

In the continuation of this meeting, Parviz Karami, the secretary of the headquarters of soft technologies and development of creative industries, also stated: a correct and logical program and cooperation should be formed between the municipality of Tehran and the deputy of science and technology. In these collaborations, urban problems are raised and technological solutions are provided to respond to them. But in this work, cultural industries and creative and innovative companies should not be forgotten.

He added: "If all these problems are done in the form of a joint and specific committee and we have specialized working groups for each issue, we will achieve a better result and from zero to one hundred works will be done within this framework.". But one of the necessities of this work is that the municipality of Tehran provides its information, data, and needs to the cooperation committee so that all capacities are used well.

Referring to last week's meeting between Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari and Tehran Mayor Alireza Zakani, Karami said: "This event is the beginning of a cooperation between the two institutions to use the country's innovative and technological capacities in the field of urban management."

Mehdi Eliassy, Vice President for Policy and Development, Vice President for Science and Technology, also emphasized the use of creativity in urban management, saying: "Tehran is a large and accessible ecosystem that we must use the existing capacities to develop it."

 Also in this meeting, Jalal Bahrami, the deputy of urban services of Tehran municipality, stated that in previous years, the focus of urban management was on solving problems and not providing services.

In the continuation of this meeting, other members of the commission used topics such as smoothing the entry of elites and creativity in the field of urban management, project-oriented approach to the main challenges and priorities of the city, youth in management in this field, attention to software development along with urban hardware expansion. They provided up-to-date knowledge to solve urban problems, etc., and called for the formation of a joint working group between the two institutions.

  In this meeting, Parviz Karami, Secretary of Soft Technologies, Creative Industries Development Headquarters, and Mehdi Elyasi, Deputy Director of Policy, and Mehdi Pirhadi, Chairman, Mehdi Babaei, Deputy Chairman, Majid Ghaderi, Advisor, and Yaser Nabizadeh, Secretary of the Health, Environment and Urban Services Commission of the City Council, Jalal Bahrami, Deputy Services Tehran Municipality, Mohammad Kikha, Secretary of the Urban Services and Environment Committee, and Ahmad Alavi, a member of the Social and Cultural Commission of the City Council, were present.

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