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Campus Innovation Awards were honored; Sattari: The knowledge-based ecosystem has found its place in the general belief of society

The nineteenth annual meeting of the Technology Park of the Vice Chancellor for Science and Technology was held with the appreciation of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, one of the best in the park.

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, said at the ceremony that the innovative change in the dominant structure of the country was the most important fruit of the ecology efforts of innovation and technology: The most important change in the existing structure is due to the change in views and the importance of creative manpower. Although in the early years we thought development was a hardware concept, today we believe that development is more of a cultural concept than anything else.

Sattari emphasized that to solve infrastructural challenges, we should look for software and cultural solutions, adding: "By creating a culture compatible with creativity and innovation, we can watch the transformation."

He continued: "Fortunately, the efforts, costs, and damages that we endured in the past years led to this cultural transformation, and today the innovation ecosystem has reached a position that everyone talks about and considers innovation as a solution to problems."

The head of the Soft and Creative Industries Development Headquarters, referring to the serious challenges and obstacles of culture-building and consolidation of the knowledge-based ecosystem in the first days, said: It was not easy to make such a change in the structure that was accustomed to the revenues from the sale of raw materials, but with the work scored by innovation and technology activists, this valuable step was taken and brought significant achievements that brought the views of the community and officials Drew to himself.

The Vice President of Science and Technology spoke about the maturity of this ecosystem and continued: "Today, the traces of technology and innovation can be seen in every corner of the country." So that the doors of many organizations have been opened to knowledge-based companies.

Sattari added that the result of this continuous effort is the role of more than 7,000 knowledge-based and creative companies: These businesses have proven their role in transforming both job creation and wealth creation. Also, today in universities, we talk about concepts such as entrepreneurship, wealth creation, and transformation, and we must support and protect this change with empathy and unity.

He said that the companions and counterparts of the innovation and technology ecosystem should be supported : The first task of the Deputy Minister of Science and Technology is to inject an innovative approach to all parts of the country and in the form of an extra-organizational institution. This trend has now reached maturity and we are witnessing a common innovative language everywhere in the country.

In another part of the 19th annual meeting of the Technology Park of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, six knowledge-based and technological products that have been commercialized and marketed were unveiled.

In the celebration of the co-founders, in the presence of Sattari, people who played an effective role in the formation and development of the campus technology park were honored.


 The 19th Annual Meeting of Pardis Technology Park, which was also dedicated to the festival of the best of this park, Technology Company was introduced and honored as the best companies of the park and Danesh Andisheh Rana Company, Pooyandegan Rah-e Saadat, Pardazesh Bayan Salamat, Ivan Technology and innovation and Limo Hoshmand Pardis.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 78871

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