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  • May 11 2021 - 09:42
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"Sorena" in the top 10 robots of 2020; The technologists showed their ability to produce "Made in Iran" robots

Made in Iran Robot, Sorena, the fourth generation of which was built with the support of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, was among the top 10 robots in 2020.

Iran is one of the countries capable of developing robotics knowledge and technology, and domestic technology activists have taken great strides in this direction. The importance of producing robots for countries with technology and development is such that it is referred to as a symbol of authority, development and progress. Iran has been able to show its capability in this field by producing the Sorena humanoid robot.

 Sorena 4 is the title of the fourth generation of Made in Iran humanoid robot, which was unveiled on December 14, 2019 in the presence of Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology.

Sorena 4 received media attention in 2019 by the International Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and was recently named by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) as one of the top 10 humanoid robots of 2020.

The first humanoid robot Sorena was designed and built in 2008 with 8 degrees of freedom and its second generation in 2010 with 22 degrees of freedom under the auspices of the Association of Research and Development Centers of Industries and Mines of Iran.

Compared to the third generation of this robot, which has 31 degrees of freedom and was unveiled in 2015 with the support of the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran, the Sorena 4 robot has 43 degrees of freedom. Improved robot hand design has provided the ability to grasp different objects with different shapes.

Sorena 4 robot also with the optimal design of the robot structure, localization of the design and construction of the operator and the use of 3D printing technology, with a height of 1.7 meters and a weight of 68 kg has been reduced compared to its predecessor and has made the robot a suitable platform for academic research.

While the average speed of the Sorena 3 robot is 0.3 km / h when walking, the Sorena 4 robot is capable of continuous walking at a speed of 0.7 km / h with the help of dynamic path design and online controllers.

Using new contact sensors built in the Center for Advanced Systems and Technologies (CAST) of the University of Tehran, Sorena 4 robot is able to walk on rough surfaces in addition to smooth surfaces.

Gazebo, Choreonoid and MATLAB simulators have been used to monitor and implement various robot movements, including grabbing objects, moving sideways, reversing, bypassing, shooting, and balancing.

Increasing the frequency of the new generation robot control loop to 200 Hz has made it possible to implement online controllers and estimators on the robot. With the help of robotic operating system (ROS) software, it is possible to run programs simultaneously, monitor the status of the robot online and implement real-time algorithms for the Sorena 4 robot.

One of the main goals of the Sorena 4 project was to build a robot with the ability to interact more with the environment and humans. The new robot has the ability to recognize human faces and count them, recognize objects and find their position, detect human movement, recognize speech and respond to them.

 Also, by combining the movements of the robot's whole body and artificial intelligence, the robot has the ability to capture objects online, follow the faces of people and objects, and imitate human movements.

 This robot was made in Iran in the framework of a national plan with the aim of developing robotic knowledge and technology with the support of the Vice President for Science and Technology and with the participation of more than 50 researchers at the Center for Advanced Systems and Technologies (CAST) of the Faculty of Mechanics. Designed and built by Dr. Aqeel Yousefikama

The development of robotic technology is one of the supporting priorities of the Vice President for Science and Technology, and in line with these policies, 90% of the budget for the construction of Sorena 4 was provided by the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology.


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