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The detailed interview of the Vice President of Science and Technology with "Farhikhtegan"

Within three years we can have 10 tech giants

Dr. Dehghani Firouzabadi, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in a detailed interview with "Farhikhtegan" newspaper, while reviewing the activities of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology from the beginning to now, explaining the work priorities of the Vice Presidency in the new period, a report on the current state of the ecosystem the knowledge base of the country has paid.

According to the report of the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the first part of Dr. Dehghani Firouzabadi's interview with Farhikhtegan University group (Abolfazl Mazaheri and Sara Taheri) is as follows:

When the issue of knowledge-based companies was raised in the country, a new thing happened in Iran. In the first 10 years when knowledge-based activities were formed in Iran, about five thousand knowledge-based companies were established. It was natural that these new conditions and atmosphere required trial and error and experience. What is your assessment of the path taken by the Vice Presidency of Science?

In 2000, the Law for the Support of Knowledge-Based Institutions was formed. Dr. Vaezzadeh took the trouble of doing this. He should be praised. Dr. Vaezzadeh is rarely mentioned, even though he worked hard. During the time of Mrs. Dr. Soltankhah, the identity of the Vice Presidency of Science became a little more prominent. With the efforts of the president, the Vice Presidency of Science got a little shape and confusion, and the concept of knowledge-based companies came from the heart of that law. At the same time, they started encouraging companies.

During Mr. Sattari's term, this concept was placed next to the concept of "entrepreneurship and startup flow". Two issues went together, knowledge-based companies, in addition to the flow and fever of entrepreneurship and startups, matured very well; This is what happened in the past. 12, 13 years have passed since the institution protection law and a number of companies have been established. Companies also already exist and they are knowledge-based now. One thinks the biggest thing that happened was streamlining the subject of science and technology and its effect on the economy. Science and technology were mostly summarized in the form of universities, but it found another platform under the title of knowledge-based companies that had some economic side and were commercial companies. A little bit came out of that context and became a discourse. Due to this discourse, various people in the country were behind this movement.

From the beginning that we can remember and at least from the last 20 to 25 years that I personally remember, the discourse of the leadership in the science and technology debate has been supporting the scientific and technological flow of the country without any change. Due to the unceasing support and the efforts made by the vice presidents of the country's technology field and the officials of the Ministry of Science and other institutions, the discourse has now become self-evident between the years 2021 and 2023 and actually in the 15th century. Talk to any person now, there is a word of knowledge on their tongue.

It is completely stable.

Yes, and it should not be forgotten how much it is worth. Not long ago, we had a meeting at the Isfahan University of Technology, and Isfahan Mobarakeh Steel, as one of Iran's largest industries, also held a program there. One of the professors said: "When we wanted to talk to Mobarakeh Steel, they wouldn't let us. "We had to find a thousand mediators to be able to talk to them." The country was in a period of rapid industrial economic development; Regardless of who it belongs to? where does he come from? The sanctions were not so severe. Equipment and parts came to the country and oil money also developed. No one was listening, but now industry is going to universities, organizing events, calling out and asking, "Who can help?" This paradigm shift should really be respected and appreciated.

From the beginning of my speech, I wanted to point out one point, I think the last decade was the decade of discourse creation, structuring and identity creation for the flow of knowledge-based companies in the country. Thank God, we had very good successes. The discussion of the number of companies is raised as one of the indicators, it is a correct understanding, but it does not mean that if the number of companies increases, the economy will also improve. These two are not directly related to each other, but there is always a rule; A critical or minimum mass is required to initiate a flow. If a stream is started in the country, it needs 20,000 companies or content similar to the company to make a stream. The number of companies is an important number in this regard.

It is possible that a country like Iran, which has developed and progressed, will start with 20,000 knowledge-based and technology companies and become 100 large countries in a 10-year horizon. The starting point is to really have a good capacity. With leadership targeting, we started the year 1401 with nearly 6,200 companies. Until the beginning of 2022, they were registered under the title of knowledge-based. The leadership order was to double the number of companies. He emphasized that knowledge-based companies should be developed, of course, knowledge-based in the true sense of the word. Considering that the references to our knowledge-based system have doubled and once reached three times, the Vice Presidency of Science could have considered a lenient approach, but according to the leadership's order, the preference is to preserve the identity that has credibility, so the evaluations are carried out. became. The result of the end of the year was that we were able to reach a 2-fold growth compared to last year and we had a 30% increase in the number of companies. Actually, we went from 6,200 to 8,500.

Have we grown in the knowledge-based share of the economy?

We will come to this point as well. First, I would like to point out the positive points. As I said, we have reached a good number. According to the statistics we have, out of eight thousand companies in 2023, about 50% existed before 2010; This means that the registration of these companies is related to before 2010. Another 50 percent were formed after this year. If we look optimistically, these companies have existed and have gone through a process and obtained knowledge-based approval. The four thousand companies that were created later should also be examined to see how much they were directly influenced by the policies of the Vice-Presidency. I believe that one of the biggest missions in the Vice Presidency of Science is streamlining. It is not the case that he directly spends money and establishes a company because it does not make sense at all. The work of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology is to streamline, coordinate devices and create opportunities. Anyway, the flow created by the Vice Presidency of Science has led to the registration of four thousand companies after 2010 and added to the system. Why did I mention this? You asked what are the new policies of the Vice Presidency of Science? In the last 10 years, the discussion of discourse creation, promotion and at least verbal accompaniment of the country's major institutions with the knowledge-based flow has happened, and I feel that now is an effective time.

I will name the first course of the academic assistantship as the course of "Drawing the Stones of Buildings", which was approved in 2010. I consider the biggest achievement of the second term to be "establishing the legal position of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology". The third period was also the period of "promotion and culturalization of knowledge-based economy". There was a staff with the same name in the Vice Presidency of Science. The fourth period was also the period of "realization of knowledge-based economy" and the economic beginning of this field.

How many years did you consider the courses?

According to the presence of deputies. I look to the Vice Presidency of Science for the division of courses. The times are few and short, but their depth is not small. Maybe the management life of Mr. Vaezzadeh was two years, but it really had tremendous effects. If that law had not been approved in 2010, this process would not have started at all, or if the then president had not supported the mechanism of the Vice Presidency of Science during the time of Ms. Soltankhah, this Vice Presidency of Science would have been removed. Of course, behind the support of the government was the support of the leadership. Since the establishment of the Vice Presidency of Science, the leadership stood behind this Vice Presidency to make it work. I brought up these talks to get to a point; Now a new movement needs to happen. That movement is entering the economy and making the economy knowledge-based.

Now we have accumulated 10 years of experience. It is expected that a significant change will occur in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology. Currently, how should the new policies of the Vice Presidency of Science and its approach to the ecosystem of technology and innovation and knowledge-based collections be followed?

The fourth term requires other requirements. We have gained experiences in the knowledge-based field. When we started, we thought that the higher the technology, the more sacred and valuable it is. If you check the evaluation criteria of knowledge-based companies, you will see that it is mainly classified based on the complexity of the technology and the unattainability of the technology. Of course, it is good, but it is not enough. Now, as a result, we see that the companies that work with high technology and have a share in the economy are classified as type 2 and 3, and the companies that are active in purely technological issues and the edge of world science are considered type 1. Of course, this is not bad. I emphasize that if we operate at the edge of science and technology, it is definitely considered a goal for us, but if we only focus on this issue, the flow of science and technology will not be related to the economy. The experiences we have gained in the last 10, 12 years, and now the knowledge base evaluation mechanism has reached a point where I believe that a serious change needs to happen. This happened and at least in the last 5, 6 months we have had many meetings with many knowledge bases. We have heard from their own words how this evaluation mechanism should be.

Respected deputies have worked hard and it was approved in the working group of the steering council of knowledge-based technologies and productions almost two or three weeks ago. A new regulation has been approved and, God willing, it will be announced and implemented within two months. The knowledge-based evaluation system will develop from using the higher technology to a simpler space. The higher technology you have, the higher specialized employment you create, the higher added value and wealth you produce, and the better you solve the country's problems, these four axes are very important. They no longer necessarily look at what your inputs are, what process you go through, what outputs you have and what your role and influence will be in the economy.

In my opinion, any activity that is higher than the existing technologies in the country and is developed in line with solving the country's problems can be called "knowledge-based". If you look carefully, you will realize that it is a very different concept; This is exactly the view that the leadership has towards the articles. A current has been created in the country, which unfortunately affects the articles; Either we fall from this side of the roof or the other side of the roof! Essay writing is not bad and very good. It is considered an indicator of the country's authority and science production. If we do not pay attention to the writing of the article, Saudi Arabia and Türkiye will surpass Iran. The national and international reputation of each country is considered. If we criticize essay writing, it does not mean that we should not write essays at all, but we should put essays on a path that is in line with the needs and opportunities of the country. Sometimes friends have misunderstood this issue and bad things are happening.

This issue can also be seen on the other side. Previously, in the interview with "Farhikhtegan", I described the different areas of the value chain of science and wealth. I explained the science and technology is the same way. It is possible that the technology is at the edge of all the technologies in the world, but it has no compatibility with the environment, opportunity, economy, conditions and system. As I said, it is not inherently bad and it is ultimately valuable, but if we want to prioritize, the technologies that fit the country's special needs and opportunities will definitely be more valuable; This point is very obvious, so one of the relations of transformation is to push the evaluation system. The evaluation is always considered to be the start of the coordinate. First is evaluation and then is classification, support and direction. It all starts with assessment. The improvement of the evaluation system should be focused on how effective they are in solving the country's problems, as well as attracting and employing specialized forces; Forces that are really doing scientific work.

Another point is that in the evaluation system, the support should be proportional to the size of the companies and the importance of the issue in technology development. We have had this injury; As soon as the company entered the knowledge-based field, from then on, there was not much difference between the small company and the big company in terms of work. Every company used the facility and each one is smarter and better. In the new evaluation system, we look at the size of the company and what it is working on. The bigger the growth size, the more different the look will be. The evaluation system says how much did you grow last year? How tall are you now and how much have you grown? Also, what topic are you working on and how much does it contribute to solving the country's problems? This is an evaluation system.

I want to point out another point related to my previous talk. A third stream is being added, which is the "foundation stream" for the formation of new companies. I believe that in order for the company to increase in the country, I should not just sit until a few people come to me to evaluate and promote people to follow it, but I should also do a series of active things. I have to create platforms that are attractive to people and encourage them to establish a company.

Now, in universities, I have seen cases where many university professors have gathered good teams around themselves. They have been working for several years but have not joined the company because becoming a company has difficulties. What is the advantage of becoming a company? Suppose a university professor stands in the middle, establishes a company and creates an identity, five of his good students also join him and become shareholders of the company, a sense of belonging to a common entity is created that makes people more permanent and hopeful. Why doesn't the teacher start a company? Response; The problems of business and corporate law. The third stream that I presented is platform creation for start-up companies. In the Vice Presidency of Science, another policy that you asked about is dedicated to this issue. We want to create a platform that is attractive for the creation of start-up companies.

I want to point out an interesting point and number; Last year, we had a tax exemption of nearly one thousand billion tomans for a total of eight thousand knowledge-based companies. According to the statistics we got, if we give tax exemption to 80% of all knowledge-based companies, the number will be below 100 billion tomans! That is, if 80% of knowledge-based companies are completely exempt from paying taxes, the cost will be 100 billion tomans, but the other 20% have received a tax exemption of 1,000 billion tomans. what does it mean? That is, the platform for tax exemptions and exemptions of this type, rather than going to start-up companies, has gone to companies that have technology and are developed. In the structure we are designing, the support system for start-up companies should be such that the start-up company can gain consistency in the first three to five years. I believe it takes at least three to five years to form a company. The company is not built in one year. We have to build a platform where university professors, technologists and people who decide to establish a company can feel at ease that they are in the greenhouse for three to five years. He should know that the Vice Presidency of Science takes care of taxes, insurance, creating a market, helping to use the country's laboratory network and providing physical space for his establishment. As I said, we do it like a scientific greenhouse. If I can create this greenhouse, now I can hope that it will be attractive for some people to take the initiative to establish the company; This policy is very important to transform the Vice Presidency of Science from a mere evaluator system to an investor and platform builder system. These issues exist in the knowledge-based evaluation system.

Let's go back to the economic impact; What will happen to the economy?

After 10, 12 years, among these eight to nine thousand companies, there are certainly a thousand or at least 100 companies that have become influential now. For example, a company has sales of 1,000 to 2,000 billion tomans. It produces medicine or medical equipment or materials or software or petroleum machinery and equipment. We have good companies. Again, we should thank God and thank the parliament. The leadership also thanked. The same friends who had the experience of working with the scientific deputy in the parliament were young representatives who worked in the scientific deputy and knew the ups and downs of this deputy and what it needs now. They were placed next to managers who worked hard in this deputy and understood where the problem was. A seed has been planted under the title of knowledge-based production mutation law; I believe that this seed will do the same thing as the previous law did in 2010. That law was effective in the course of cultural creation and promotion, and the law of production jump can be effective in the economy. This law has the full capacity to lead to transformation if it is preserved and protected from injury. Just as the knowledge-based stream had opponents and demanded care, the stream of knowledge-based economics also has serious opponents. The same game is being developed and followed on a larger level. Some people want to start breaking this law. Now our important task is to maintain this law.

I feel that the Leap Law has prepared the platforms that can be the cornerstones of new events that will turn at least 100 companies from among the flagships into the drivers of the knowledge-based economy. Our attitude is to move the capacities of the 2010 law towards new knowledge-based companies; Companies that want to be newly formed. For example, let's consider tax exemptions or discussions like this. Direct the capacities of the Manufacturing Leap Act, such as tax credits or other issues, to companies that play in the economy. We have to be very careful when we want to give credit from the country's taxes to a company. If we are going to look at the story from the point of view of promotion and investment, this law will definitely be uprooted. Because there are claimants in our country who say that the country's tax revenues were lost due to this law. As I said, we must be careful.

We have ready experience that tells us that where it is managed correctly, it has eight times the added value for each unit of investment, whether from taxes or elsewhere. This is a big number. For example, you spent a thousand tomans, you earned eight thousand tomans. We have had such income in the field of oil and medical equipment and especially in the field of medicine. Our attitude is to purposefully and carefully spend the capacities of the Production Leap Law; So that we can defend ourselves and say that every unit we have spent has brought five or six or seven times to the country. If the engine of this happens and the people, the country, and the officials taste knowledge-based economy just once - not necessarily for pride - good things will happen. Until now, mostly knowledge-based honors and credits have been pleasing to us and we used to say to ourselves how many companies we have, but the share of all these companies in "GDP" (Gross Domestic Product) is less than three percent and the share of all their knowledge-based products in "GDP" Pi is below one percent. Up until now, most of the talk of honor and promotion has been discussed, but if we can use the capacity of the Leap Law, at least we will succeed in increasing this statistic by one percent per year. It may be half a percent in the first year and more in the next year. If we want to turn on the engine of the production jump law to reach the output, it will take one to two years, but if we can experience an average growth of one percent, only then will people be able to feel how the country's science and technology infrastructure affects their lives. This is our serious goal.

About two years ago, in the conversation we had with you, you believed that the Vice Presidency of Science should be a platform in the best way; A poltergeist whose main goal is to form a value production chain. You could see a serious weakness in relation to the existing space before entering the Vice Presidency of Science. Basically, they are a series of knowledge-based companies that have no impact on the economy. Finally, the government is benefiting from them, although it is possible that it was not until that date compared to the total of five or six thousand companies. Still looking the same and trying to build that platform? In order to reach this platform, now that you have the responsibility, what exactly are you going to do?

I completely believe in this. The reason for being the vice president here is the same. Since I was wondering if such an attitude is correct or not; In the first meeting with the leadership, I asked this question clearly. If you watch my speech, you will see that I said that it seems that the vice president of science acts as the vice president and not as a minister. The minister is in charge of a part of the economy. For example, the Minister of Industry, Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Health, but when we say Vice President, he is in the shadow of the President. It is no longer a department but should be a trans-department. What I said was that it seems that the Vice President of Science in the position of the vice president has the role of coordinating, accompanying, supporting and following up the development of the knowledge-based economy and innovative system in all the institutions of the country. Sir, they were kind and said that what you said, we also believe in it and confirm it. This view exists in the missions of the vice president that all other institutions must cooperate. The leadership even mentioned that the Ministry of Higher Education should pay attention to this issue. I approve of this thought. After that talk, the debates about the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology were closed. Absolutely, those notions disappeared and the position was determined. To be fair, the Ministry of Science has also helped and cooperated well.

Do you currently have a good relationship with the Ministry of Science?

They are completely compatible. To be fair, Mr. Dr. Zolfigol accompanies. I have seen everywhere in his speeches that he says that the Vice Presidency of Science has a general umbrella over the devices and we are one of the arms and tools of this field in universities. There are no issues and problems of the past. It is absolutely not a special challenge. If we are not going to implement directly with this attitude, we cannot draw conclusions. How many executive tools does the Vice Presidency of Science have? Gather all the personnel together, there will not be five hundred people. It is not like the Ministry of Science, which has a system all over the country. In this attitude, the Vice Presidency of Science must be a platform. Whether I am referring to the amendment of evaluation rules or regulations or emphasizing the creation of a platform in terms of support so that people are interested in establishing knowledge-based companies, these are all platform concepts.

You said earlier that researching science is also the duty of the Vice Presidency of Science. Our conversation went more towards economy and industry. You mentioned in your speech and we also published a report that in terms of producing articles and science, firstly, we are moving slowly and secondly, we are behind the countries of the region in some areas. Since you are considering the role of the assistant for the Vice Presidency of Science, where is the role of this assistant in this space?

This is a very important word. All the mechanisms that I set up in the Vice Presidency of Science, the changes made in this Vice Presidency and the upgrades that took place in the structure, all refer to this issue. I consider the Vice Presidency of Science responsible in five subjects. First, it is streamlining and supporting the system of thinking and theorizing in the country, which has been neglected. I consider the Vice Presidency of Science to support the thinking and theorizing systems. I will tell you what kind of support I want. Second, streamlining for the scientific development of the country. Third, streamlining, targeting and coordination for the development of technology in the country. Fourth, creating infrastructure and flow for the formation of a knowledge-based economy and fifth, supporting new entrepreneurial flows. I still consider the fifth case to be one of the duties of this Vice Presidency, but structurally, it is part of the duties of the Ministry of Labor, because it was handled very well by the Vice Presidency of Science in the third term. My expectation is that the Ministry of Labor will develop to the extent that it can support the flow of entrepreneurship. The Ministry of Labor should be developed to support the flow of entrepreneurship. However, we consider it one of the duties of the Vice Presidency of Science.

The main focus, especially in the previous period, has been on supporting the flow of entrepreneurship. I emphasize on "major" because my words do not mean that there was no focus in other places. If you search the media news and activities, it is very clear that mainly the support of the entrepreneurship stream has been considered. The flow of development - more technology development, less science development and much less theorizing field - has been neglected. What is my look? I say that the Vice Presidency of Science has expenses, financial aid and credits that are not comparable to an organization like the Ministry of Samt and the Ministry of Science. If you just calculate the salaries of 100 thousand university professors, you will get a very large number, so I cannot play the role of the queue in supporting the production of science. what should I have to create attractions away from the path that exists now. Many professors work in the university. They get paid. Students come and go and no one cares about them. If I can make five rails and create gravity so that people who are on these rails will move, even after I stop pushing, people will move on the same rails. How can this be done? Suppose I count five interesting topics for the country; Like what we did during the development of Nano. We provide support for the five axes in which we give prizes, and we give grants to whoever submits an article. For example, in artificial intelligence and robotics, we define supports. We have also considered a big prize and we say that every person who follows this path will get support and credits. If I do this, the current that exists, gets paid and lives, it will change the direction.

Look at the country's universities; They have a hundred thousand faculty members and several million students. Each person works on a subject that he is interested in. What did the Nano headquarters do 20 years ago that created a successful flow in this story? How could he attract nearly two thousand good university professors to this stream? They said that any person who publishes a good article in all nano fields will be awarded a good grant; A grant that is equivalent to 30 to 50 million tomans today. Suddenly, many professors changed fields and became active in this field.

The energy that was spent by the Nano headquarters was probably 30 million tomans in today's money. Let's consider that 50 million Tomans have been granted. Suppose a thousand articles are produced per year. One thousand to 50 million tomans becomes 50 billion tomans. With 50 billion tomans, we have led a thousand professors, whose salaries are several hundred billion tomans, to a special field. I call this railing. 

In the Vice Presidency of Science, we have considered technology and economy as the main roots of our work and have focused most of our attention on them. Where are the technology fields that are really considered a serious opportunity and need in our country? The technology development headquarters that have been formed now are exactly technology and subject. artificial intelligence and robotics, biotechnology, nanotechnology, cognitive science and advanced materials; All are considered subjects. We have put 8, 9 rails in technology; Technological issues that are needed by the country and are considered an opportunity in Iran. They were called technology development headquarters. We said to these headquarters, you don't need to look and earn, but just focus on developing the technology. For the development of technology, firstly, pay attention to the country's needs, secondly, see what are the global trends and trends, and thirdly, what do our own scientists think? They may have something new to say. With these three indicators, just develop the technology.

At one time, there was no company in the Vice Presidency of Science, and only technology had to be developed. The headquarters were just technology development headquarters. Lately, we have seen that the headquarters of energy or mining has also been formed, because we feel that they should gradually enter the economic sectors. So, we mix together. 9 technology development headquarters have been formed and now we have 12 headquarters active in the development of knowledge-based economy, which are departments. Headquarters for the development of the knowledge-based economy of food and agriculture, health, mining, oil, petrochemicals and machinery, which are all considered opportunities for the country. So, we have two kinds of headquarters.

Their main work is to support academic groups, professors and knowledge-based companies to develop technology according to the needs of the country, the current world environment and the opinions of our own scientists. The economic development and their work are in such a way that with the capacity of the devices, the large private sector and the large industries of the country, they create economic opportunities for the companies that have been established. When we start and there are no companies, we just have to say give technology development, but now there are almost 10 thousand active companies. We have a forward-looking approach and technology development must happen. Of course, is it important to establish new companies or pursue new ideas in existing companies? It is a backward-looking approach. We have acquired capabilities.

Knowledge-based economy development headquarters is a department. For example, in the agriculture and food sector, all technologies are used. Technologies are used in different sectors.

Don't you feel the need for an upstream document here? If we look at the prominent countries of the world; From Germany, which started the fourth industrial revolution, to Japan, which is called the fifth society, and China is moving forward with the 2049 model. It seems that all countries have struggled and understood this necessity and have an upstream document centered on the same issue, but in our country, there is not much concern about it and there is no movement in this direction.

The first part of your speech is correct, but the second part is not correct. In the meeting between the officials and the Supreme Leader on the fourteenth night of the holy month of Ramadan, His speech in the field of knowledge-based economy was very deep. The Supreme Leader obliged the government to extract a road map for knowledge-based economy. Immediately this issue was raised in the government. A week later, the Vice Presidency of Science was obliged to do this. Within a period of one month to 40 days, we really prepared things with more than a thousand hours of work and of course the experiences we had.

Personally, just in the last three, four years, I read an average of 30, 40 thousand pages in the field of different countries of the world to see what they have done. I have talked with great people in this field; People who spent time and had experience, as well as those who have previously managed in different places. A document was extracted and we published a draft under the title "Draft Document on Knowledge-Based Economy". We sent this draft to the leadership and the government to be on the way. Anyway, we do our own work, because we have this document.

Is this document supposed to clarify the path of technology and industry?

Well done. We are looking for the same issue in the document so that this happens. Now, according to research, the roles of the elements in the Vice Presidency of Science have been clearly defined and there is really no confusion. We have a headquarters under the title of "Governance and Financial Technologies Development Headquarters" which is placed next to the Deputy for Policy Development and other deputies. The field of supporting think tanks, thinking and theorizing is completely managed in this stream. We have a "foundation of science". The former researchers' fund, which has become a science foundation, will soon go to the Supreme Council and be approved. What is the plan? Precisely laying the rails for science. All "Funds" and support happen in a series of key fields of science; The areas we know we have plans for are technology and economics.

It should be document based.

Yes. We calculated and said that we have a public support unit that does every scientific work. We also allocate two support units to those who work in these scientific fields and do outstanding work; This is the rail laying of science. For example, consider the comprehensive scientific map of the country. "Comprehensive" has two meanings; One, collect everything in the world to make a comprehensive plan, which is definitely wrong. Second, it should be comprehensive of your traits and characteristics, that is, it should be combined with your traits and characteristics. This is my opinion about the comprehensive scientific map of the country.

Maybe it is an area that we don't want to enter at all and we don't have the background. At least he has not made a serious decision to enter or it is not our priority. With that attitude, what is the work of the foundation of science in technology? This foundation should give direction to the scientific fields that we know and work with its outputs later. The strategic technology development headquarters, which are 9, have been closely monitoring the needs of the country. You can see the relevant numbers. They are exactly watching the leadership discourse. We do not lack anything in the field of discourse and we do not need to discover what our needs are. Ask any relatively knowledgeable person to name the five technologies needed in the country; I promise 80% of his words will be correct. The needs of the country are so clear and enough has been said, it doesn't need to be discovered anymore. We just need to stand firmly on it.

The opposite point and the next process of the economy are the headquarters of the development of the knowledge-based economy. Their mission is to penetrate every sector with the huge capacity already created, looking at developing technologies. It is a center for infrastructure management and entrepreneurship and startup software. This department is also completely separate and, God willing, a system will be launched soon in the Vice Presidency of Science. This system is very simple and after logging in, it will ask you some questions. who are you? What do you want to do?

Is it based on artificial intelligence?

Yes, exactly. Based on what you want to do, it will direct you to the right place. The system clearly knows what its mission is. I give an example because it is important. Our biotechnology headquarters has done everything in the past; From medical equipment, seeds, agriculture and poultry to vaccines and medicine. They have tried everything related to biotechnology. What has been the result of all this work? Technology is expensive. After some time, it has gradually faded towards the big economic colonies and the production of technology has really diminished in it. The two do not mix and are now separate from each other. We tell them: "All I want from you is technology development. Tomorrow, don't say that I have produced so-and-so medicine" or we will say to the biological headquarters: "I want 10 new technologies from you by the end of the year. I want you to tell me that these technologies were not in the country and that you obtained them; This is an achievement. Don't mix it all up and sell it to me." Also, I don't care. How many articles and scientific activities has the Knowledge-Based Economy Headquarters of Health had, but I want to know how much market it has created for knowledge-based companies or how many large companies it has built? I measure such headquarters.

Previously, the Center for the Development of Strategic Technologies in the Vice Presidency of Science gave accelerator licenses, granted licenses for building renovations and supporting articles; Everything was in it. When you wanted a report, it messed everything up. In the development of strategic technology, I have nothing to do with the building. The Infrastructure Development Center should explain how many meters of space it has added. Now the space is completely transparent and measurable. The said document exists, although it has not been fully approved yet, but we know what we are doing. We will proceed according to the document and, God willing, we will get an answer.

How is the interaction of the Vice Presidency of Science of Science and Technology with the private sector and institutions, especially universities, in the new policy? Expectations from you are high; Before joining the Vice Presidency of Science, you were present at both Academic Jihad and Azad University. You yourself are educated at Sharif University and you have a hand in the field of industry. Such a comprehensive person has rarely existed in the field of public administration of the country, that's why the expectations from you are higher than others.

God willing, it will be my last experience! In the chain I drew, I said: "Science, technology and economics; Each of them has a platform." Where is the platform of science? University. Where is the technology platform? Knowledge-based company and research and technology team based in the university. Where is the bed of the economy? industry It is clear where each one is located. What do chain links do?

They connect to each other.

On one side, they connect to the previous house and on the other side, they connect to the next house. This is the work of the Science Foundation; On the one hand, support the currents of thinking and theorizing, and on the other hand, support the current of technology development. Where is the main operation of the Science Foundation? University. The center of all science foundation operations are universities, because universities are producers of science.

What does the Strategic Technologies Development Center do? It turns science into technology and delivers technology to the economy, so our two institutions are very seriously connected to the university. one; It is a science foundation that is designed solely to support scientific operations and research in universities. It has no other audience and is absolutely focused on the university in order to create a flow in the university. The technology development center has the task of combining the produced sciences and written scientific articles into a technology; Again, one of the centers of its life or operations is the university, because the cores of technological research are formed in universities.

The core of technological research is different from the core of scientific research. The core of scientific research produces articles and has many universities. The technology research core puts the produced articles to the forefront of testing and experimenting and develops the technology. One of the biggest anchors of the technology development center is the technology development headquarters in the university. Who are they looking for? The technology research teams that convert the scientific products of the same university or themselves into technology, so the Vice Presidency of Science is connected to the university through these two routes and has a complete plan.

Does this binding occur outside of conventional structures such as growth centers?

We have nothing to do with growth centers at all; University only. The audience of this field is only the university itself, including professors, academic staff and university laboratories, that is, it involves the university. On the other hand, technology development has been done and now we want to enter the industry. Who is the audience of the industry? Huge industries, big devices, petrochemical, oil, mining, automotive, household appliances and pharmaceuticals. This is exactly the work of the knowledge-based economy development headquarters, on behalf of the companies that have been created - not the university - to communicate with the government or the big industry and take a huge opportunity and provide it to us.

I give an example; I have named this work "intermediate platform". what does it mean? Suppose I have a thousand small and large knowledge-based companies in the oil field. If I want to connect these companies directly to the Ministry of Petroleum, how many companies can be successful and get the answer? How often can they see the oil minister? How long can they sit with the oil majors? They cannot or will hardly succeed in doing such a thing. Neither time nor space allows this. On the other hand, the minister and the oil system do not have enough energy and time to see what they are really doing? Are they telling the truth and what is their true power? I believe that the Vice Presidency of Science and the Knowledge-Based Development Economy Headquarters have nothing else to do, and that's all there is to it; This is the interface platform. I talk to the minister of oil, cut off a large part of the economy and say: "Close with me" and I close with my network.

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