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Dehghani at the ceremony to honor Sattari:

The knowledge-based production leap law is an important and valuable achievement of the previous era of the Vice Presidency of Science

With the presence of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the services and efforts of the former vice president of science and technology were appreciated and honored to stabilize and strengthen the ecosystem of technology and innovation.


In this ceremony, Ali Akbar Salehi, the former head of the Atomic Energy Organization, Jalili, the head of the Sharif University of Technology, were also present with a group of CEOs of knowledge-based companies, technologists and university students.


The real elite are patriots

Ruhollah Dehghani, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, while appreciating Sattari's efforts to institutionalize the resistance economy and realize the knowledge-based economy in the country, said: Dr. Sattari was not a good trustee; in the sense that the vice presidency of science that he handed over was very different, more productive, more developed and bigger than the vice presidency that he handed over. He made a lot of efforts to develop the technology and innovation ecosystem in the country.

He added: All these efforts are the result of his patriotism. Martyr Mansoor Sattari and his son were and still are patriots in the true sense and they tried with all their might to elevate the country.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in defining the elite, said: The real elite is someone who has good and distinct characteristics and traits that are more prominent than other members of the society. The complete elite also has complete characteristics, and one of these obvious characteristics is their patriotism, which is seriously different from country-loving. Patriotism means standing by the motherland and standing in front of the problems and challenges related to the motherland.


He took manpower seriously

He continued: "If an elite is patriotic, it will put all its energy and power to solve the country's shortcomings and consider the country as its mother, which will solve its problems with compassion." Sorena Sattari is also a patriotic elite and all his pursuits and efforts originate from this kind of view.

The head of the National Elites Foundation believes that if the doctor realized somewhere that youth, knowledge-based companies, capabilities, or elites are not seen and that there is an obstacle to their development and emergence, he would have expressed his displeasure because he strongly believed that human power is the most valuable asset.

He expressed his hope that the created capacities and the law of knowledge-based production jump will become the turning point and the best advantage of the country in a few years and the space will be provided for the realization of the knowledge-based economy in the country.

In this ceremony, he honored the memory of Martyr Ghassem Soleimani, Dr. Rusta Azad, Dr. Ranjbar, the martyrs of Flight 752, and especially the elites of Sharif University in this heartbreaking accident.


The knowledge-based production leap law is a valuable souvenir for the next 15 years of the country

In this ceremony, Sorena Sattari, the former vice president of science and technology, also said: The progressive knowledge-based production leap law can pave the way for the technological and innovation ecosystem of the country in the next 15 to 20 years of the country, and this capacity should be used well.

He added: We all live behind the same flag and in the same country, and we must support the country with all our power. Let's not lose the current security and peace of the country and spend all our efforts in this way.

Sattari said that we are on special days in the country's history. The anniversary of the martyrdom of Haj Ghassem Soleimani, the anniversary of the martyrdom of my father, the anniversary of the tragic accident of the 752-plane crash, and the anniversary of the martyrdom of Sardar Kazemi all happened in these recent days, and the common season of all these events; The bitterness of waiting and not returning bodies is something that we, the Air Force family, understand very well.

He added: Many efforts were made to realize the knowledge-based economy and the formation of the technology and innovation ecosystem, and we had acceptable achievements. I hope this way will continue and we will see good events in this field in the future.

According to the former vice president of science and technology, using the capacity of Iranian elites abroad and maintaining the flow of elites and startups in the country is one of the achievements that we must strive to maintain.

Wishing success to Dr. Dehghani and the new team in the vice presidency of science, he said: "There is a suitable platform for the use of technological capacities in the country, and we value human power and thinking."


There is a favorable environment for the development of the country

Ali Akbar Salehi, the former head of the Atomic Energy Organization, also pointed out that Sattari was born at Sharif University and, just like his martyred father, with his patriotism and compassionate look; fulfilled his responsibility during his tenure as the scientific assistant.

He added: He defined lofty goals in the ecosystem of technology and innovation and sought to provide grounds, tools and facilities to achieve these goals. Therefore, a good environment has been provided, which I hope Mr. Dehghani will make good use of and complete his efforts.

According to Salehi, Dr. Dehghani is also a compassionate and skilled person, and I wish them to make good use of the platforms created and help the ecosystem of technology and innovation.


  Who is Sorena Sattari?

Sorena Sattari, who was the helmsman of the vice presidency of science and technology for about 9 years; is considered the founder of the formation of the technology and innovation ecosystem in the country. He remained in this position from 2013 to 2022 and worked for the survival and prosperity of knowledge-based businesses.

He has completed his bachelor's, master's and doctorate courses in the field of mechanical engineering at the Sharif University of Technology; In his work record, he was the vice president of science and technology and the head of the National Elites Foundation, a member of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, the vice chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, the head of the Oil Industry Research Institute, the executive management of the Fuel Consumption Optimization Company, the head of the Nanotechnology Research Institute of the Oil Industry Research Institute, etc.


The Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

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