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Parviz Karami: New Year's naming is a surprise for the technology and innovation ecosystem

Spokesman for the Vice President of Science and Technology described the 1401 title as a feast and a surprise by the Supreme Leader to tech-savvy activists, as national attention and the country's attention to what they have done successfully over the past decade.

manufacturing; Knowledge-based, job-creating, title that at the beginning of the new century created a spark of hope in the country's technology ecosystem. The concept of this letter for 1401 by the Supreme Leader set a roadmap for the country's economy that production should be based on knowledge-based companies with the aim of creating employment.


Emphasis on avoiding the sale of raw materials, as well as the conversion of energy and natural raw materials into products and products that lead to currency and employment, can significantly change the macro and macroeconomic statistics at the end of 2022. At the same time, consistent policies and changes in traditional approaches in order to provide appropriate support are necessary to achieve this goal.


By the end of 2021, the number of knowledge-based companies reached 6608 companies, and since this index can be measured, at the end of 2022, a clear report of government performance in this area based on turnover, number of companies and variety of products and other parameters can be seen. .


Naming 1401 and a surprise for innovation ecology activists

Parviz Karami goes on to point out that when we talk about knowledge-based economics, it means that advanced knowledge and technology can play a role in all areas of production and society: This has benefits for the whole society and the technology ecosystem. Because it promotes the competitiveness of domestic products, increases product quality, increases productivity and reduces production costs.

He recalled the Supreme Leader's meeting with technology entrepreneurs last year, and noted his emphasis on the country and the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology moving toward production and turning large companies into knowledge-based ones.


Measurability of indicators

"We are now working hard for the development of a knowledge-based and creative economy, empowering human capital and improving the living environment," said the head of the executive staff, noting that this work has now begun in earnest by the government in 2022. We do this by creating accelerators, innovation centers, creative and innovation houses, and innovation factories.

According to Parviz Karami, this was done to support knowledge-based and creative companies so that they could meet national challenges and needs.

He says: the Vice Presidency of Science had defined the priority clusters for himself and started working. Such as the field of health, which includes medical equipment and supplies, advanced drugs and smart health. Or in the field of smart transportation, we put the project of electric bus, electric train and electric motorcycle on the agenda.

However, the Secretary of Soft Technologies and the Development of Creative Industries Headquarters believes that until the main institutions, such as the relevant ministries, could not function, knowledge could not be lost. In fact, some significant work was done, but it did not turn into production and the economy. But now, with this goal setting and, in my opinion, with this decree, which can be measured and measured, this demand of the leadership must also become the demand of the society.

Parviz Karami, referring to the indicators focused on knowledge-based leadership by the leadership, which include the measurability of knowledge-based companies in each sector and the measurability of employment of each knowledge-based company, explains that at the end of 2022 this question can be What are the current indicators set by the leadership?


Referring to the proposal of a 30% increase in knowledge-based companies by the scientific deputy and the leadership's emphasis on doubling these companies, he says: Although this amount is difficult to maintain the quality and indicators of knowledge-based, if all relevant ministries work Let this goal be achieved.

Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology emphasizes that we can separate from the oil economy and export-oriented when the volume and number of first-time projects increase.

Pointing out that these cases are measurable, Parviz Karami says: By the end of 2021, the sales of knowledge-based companies had been 350,000 billion tomans. So, this amount at the end of 2022 should be observable and measurable, monitoring and demand and should reach at least 700 to 800 thousand billion tomans. This cannot be achieved unless the sales of existing knowledge-based companies increase and the number of new companies is increased. This must be done through market development, product development and the creation of new export markets.


How is goal setting achieved?

The spokesman for the Vice President of Science and Technology believes that the work that the Trade Development Organization started at the end of 2021 with the participation by the Vice Presidency of Science should be seriously pursued.

Explaining this work, Parviz Karami says: it means creating Iranian innovation and export houses in other countries, forming export pavilions, granting exemptions from the formalities of the tender law, granting tax exemptions to knowledge-based companies in large companies, and granting Insurance exemptions for knowledge-based businesses in large companies should be on the agenda and pursued. That is, knowledge-based production will not take shape unless large companies take the initiative and take it seriously. In other words, once knowledge-based production is formed, there must be target markets and new export markets for these products to be offered.

The head of the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, noting that the country's position is now unique due to rising oil and diesel energy prices, said: The cost of transporting goods from China to the Middle East is now twice the cost of the previous years. So now the best thing is to produce and export from Iran to neighboring countries, which happened to be the Chinese market.

Parviz Karami refers to the establishment of a toy pavilion in Turkey in the March 2022 with the participation of toy manufacturers and the help of the Soft Technologies Headquarters and says: "For the first time in the history of the country, we have become a toy exporter. it can be replicated in other areas of the cultural and creative industries".


New policies and approaches

Secretary of Soft Technologies and Development of Creative Industries Headquarters on the new policies and approaches to fulfill the leadership decree in 2022 refers to the strategic document of the 13th government at the end of 2022 and its importance in the field of knowledge bases and suggests that the audience of Hamshahri newspaper to read this transformation document.

Parviz Karami considers the second major work done by the parliament to be the passage of the Knowledge-Based Production Leap Law, which is now in the Guardian Council and will be announced soon.

However, he believes that what the country, and in particular the government, can do is to provide the relevant ministries, such as Labor, Jihad and Agriculture, Oil, Energy, Silence, and, of course, the Vice Presidency of Science, with the necessary facilities to develop knowledge-based companies.

The Secretary for Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development also points to the opportunity to increase oil prices to develop infrastructure instead of imports.

According to Parviz Karami, we should not tie the country's economic development to sanctions so that the slogan of the year becomes operational and does not remain a strategy. He also emphasizes the avoidance of money laundering and reckless financial support that disrupts the stability of production.

Allocation of budget based on the program, amendment of laws and regulations in order to create knowledge-based companies and attention to strategic controls and continuous monitoring are other things that Parviz Karami considers as the tools to fulfill the slogan of the year.


Source: Hamshahri newspaper


Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology


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