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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Aug 7 2023 - 10:10
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With the aim of developing the market of medium companies

Granting quality certification and quality assurance to knowledge-based companies

The ceremony of unveiling the trademark of Pardis Technology Park products with the ability to confirm and guarantee the quality of products was held in the presence of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the president and the general director of the Central Insurance of Iran.

According to the communication and information center in the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, this badge is presented with the aim of developing the market of medium-sized companies and facilitating the presence of knowledge-based companies in the market.

In the framework of this plan, two services of quality confirmation certificate and quality assurance certificate are granted to the companies so that they can have an effective and guaranteed presence in the national and international markets with the aforementioned marks.

Pardis technology park logo is presented on two levels. The first part is the approval of the quality of products in three bronze, silver and gold levels, which is given after expert reviews, and companies can include this mark (Made in PTP) on their products.

In the second part, the products that have been able to obtain the quality approval certificate will be able to use the warranty service (quality assurance). The product quality assurance certificate (warranty) is provided to the customers of the products as a warranty card, and its authenticity can be traced through the QR code on the warranty card.

In this ceremony, which was held in the presence of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge economy, the director general of the Central Insurance of Iran and the head of Pardis Technology Park, a number of knowledge-based companies in Pardis Technology Park received quality approval certificates and quality assurance certificates (guarantees) for their knowledge-based products.

Pasargad Science-based Irsa Medical Company for the Bi-Pep ventilator and Tan-Asa Teb-Novin Company for the advanced ultrasound product received bronze quality certification.

Also, a silver surface quality approval certificate for the tool washer was awarded to Tosan Tajhiz Engineering Company.

Diopars Company for the implant product, Knowledge-Based Biofermentation Company for probiotic food supplements, Mahan Biotherapy Company for electronic boards and Aria Teb Firouz Company for the central RO water device product and for the probiotic supplement product to Mahan Biotherapy Company and for the stabilizer device to Faran Electronic Industries Company received a certificate of approval of the quality of the golden quality level.

Also, with the presence of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy, quality assurance holograms were placed on the products of the RO water device companies produced by Faran Electronics Industries and the hemodialysis device produced by Knowledge-Based Aria Teb Firouz.



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