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Dehghani: Creating 5,000 employment lines to employ elites in the executive structure of the country

A group of academic and technological elites met and talked with the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy and the head of the National Elites Foundation.

According to the communication and information center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, continued: Providing and allocating housing has many complications and of course many obstacles, but the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy as well as the National Elites Foundation have seriously placed the provision of housing for elites in their work priorities. Next week, the process of building elite housing in district 22 will begin. Regulating and shaping the supply process and how to allocate housing is the main concern in the priorities of the Vice Presidency of Science and the National Elites Foundation. Because if the issue of elite housing is resolved, it will definitely continue to work with more focus and space.

The head of the National Elites Foundation, referring to the allocation of 5,000 employment lines for the employment and attraction of elites in the executive bodies of the country, said: the employment and attraction of elites in the executive bodies was an important issue, the implementation of which is one of the necessities for the realization of governance and the role of elites in the fields of executive and decision-making in the country. Due to the fact that this process is implemented for the first time in the country, naturally there are obstacles on its way, but fortunately, with the allocation of 5,000 recruitment ranks to attract and employ elites in executive bodies, 80% of the path has been traveled and elite governance, a big step has been taken towards realization.

Smart elites are evaluated and attracted

Dehghani continued by stating that the mechanisms for identifying and supporting elites are moving towards becoming dynamic and intelligent: the algorithm and active identification of elites based on databases and using smart technologies is being seriously pursued. The process of identifying, evaluating and supporting the elite to honor him should be collected and evaluated by the foundation and relying on technology, the use of data from databases and systems, and the process of identifying, evaluating and attracting the elite should find a dynamic and intelligent form.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy emphasized that the mechanisms and approaches in considering a person as an elite, looking after the ability of people to be efficient and solve the country's problems, should be reformed and implemented, he continued: If we want only with If we consider the sum of points obtained by a person in various criteria as elite, the essence of eliteness is questioned. It is possible that a person has scored one mark in all ten subjects and his total score is 10, on the other hand, another person has scored ten marks in an important and strategic subject, it is obvious that the second person is elite. Therefore, the evaluation processes of the elite should be directed towards the efficiency of the individual in solving the basic problems of the society and should be modified.

Dehghani, stating that the head of the National Elites Foundation actually plays the role of promoter and representative of the elite discourse in the government structure, continued: The head of the National Elites Foundation is not a representative of the elites because the view of the elites is not correct, but the elites are an active movement and they are influential and their discourse and role in governance should be spread. Therefore, I consider the National Elites Foundation to be the representative of the elite community to convey their views and concerns to the government and lay the groundwork for the role of the elite community in the governance of the country.

A serious look at the flow of thinking in the field of governance

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, referring to the serious support of think tanks in the form of think tanks, said: in the vice presidency of science, the process of supporting think tanks and promoting the process of thinking is being seriously pursued and implemented, so that 130 billion tomans It is dedicated to support the flow of thought in the field of governance and implementation.

Emphasizing that in order to solve the country's problems, elite governance should be realized in the country's decision-making and implementation bodies, and one of the forms and requirements of elite governance are these think tanks and support for elite thinking, he continued: there should be a flow of elites infiltrating the body. Implementation and governance should happen continuously and gradually, and the presence of elites in the executive body of the country is one of the fields that realizes the process of elite governance.

Stating that the realization of elite governance in the country's executive body requires stability, patience and endurance, he continued: the presence and effectiveness of the elite current must be manifested in the reality and in solving problems. A person's influence in solving the country's important issues is an expression of his eliteness. Therefore, we are looking to provide the space and opportunity for the presence of the elites in the field of solving the country's major problems.

The head of the National Elites Foundation pointed to the importance of implementing a teacher-centered project with the aim of training and promoting elite students with the help of reference and reference professors, and said: professors who are concerned with cultivating elite human resources and training capable people to solve the country's problems, under the National Elites Foundation through the support packages, credit facilities, including all the tools at the disposal of the National Elites Foundation and the Vice-Presidency of Science, are supported in order to become a reference, model and shelter for other students, the basis for cultivating real and efficient elite human resources in solving the country's problems.

Deduction plan for military service for elites abroad

Emphasizing that we must provide the right elite environment for the effective role of the country's elites from anywhere in the world, Dehghani continued: More important than case support is creating a favorable platform and a dynamic interaction space for the elites who come from all over the world. Iran and outside Iran want to be effective in the progress and upliftment of their country in some way. The program of cooperation with Iranian experts abroad under the title of "Connect" provided good facilities and grounds for the realization of this impact, and now with the implementation of "Connect Plus" more ground has been provided for this influence and role-playing. The Connect Plus program is being pursued by the Center for International Interactions of Science and Technology, with the allocation of more support, more facilities and a wider space for cooperation. The plan to deduct military service for 110 elites abroad has been implemented in the form of this program and some of these people have received a termination of service card. The "Connect" program has a companionable and empathetic approach with the elites and provides an opportunity for Iranian children everywhere in Iran and the world to play a role and cooperate effectively in solving the problems and progress of the country.

Six-fold increase in the budget of Iran Science Foundation

Referring to the widening and deepening of scientific development, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, with the help of Iran Science Foundation, said: The support fund for researchers will operate in the form of Iran Science Foundation, and this year's budget of this foundation is 6 times the same time last year. In a new approach, Iran Science Foundation is looking for streamlining and modeling. For example, 100 grants with large numbers and 1000 smaller grants will be allocated to conquer scientific peaks and the approaches will be operationalized.

Referring to the allocation of credits to researchers and elites for the development of research activities in the form of strategic technologies laboratory network credits, Dehghani said: Compared to last year, the credit of the laboratory network has grown 2.5 times and 90 billion tomans have been allocated to the laboratory network, of which 60 billion Tomans of it is general and 30 billion Tomans will be spent in line with the priorities of strategic technology development headquarters.

The head of the National Elites Foundation pointed out the necessity of elite governance for the country to overcome obstacles and problems and said: We will not reach the utopia and ideal until the elite governance is realized. But this requires going through a long and ups and down path, and of course it requires belief in change, patience and tolerance

It should be mentioned that in this meeting, Nasser Bagheri Moghaddam, the deputy of the National Elites Foundation, Hojjatul Islam Saeed Karami, the representative of the jurist in the National Elites Foundation, and Shaghayegh Haghjooye Javanmard, the head of the Center for the Development of Strategic Technologies in the Vice Presidency of Science, were also present. and technology of the country raised their views, concerns and suggestions with the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy and other officials.

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