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  • Aug 7 2023 - 10:05
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Dehghani emphasized: the need to create insurance and a specialized bank with high risk tolerance to support knowledge-based companies

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy stated: We need to have specialized insurance with high risk for knowledge-based companies, their products and services; Also, a specialized venture bank that is suitable for the needs and assets of knowledge-based companies in providing capital and financing assistance to these businesses is one of the main necessities of linking knowledge-based companies to the economy, and we will use all our efforts and determination to realize these two important things.

According to the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, who was speaking at the ceremony of awarding the certificate of quality approval and quality assurance to the knowledge-based companies of Pardis Technology Park, said that the new generation of support for knowledge-based companies is based on the development of the market of these companies: the achievements and technological peaks achieved by the technological society and leading knowledge-based companies are admirable and the innovations achieved by the technology and innovation ecosystem It is valuable and worthy of appreciation.

He stated that today companies have no limits in terms of knowledge and technology and any level of science and technology is attainable for them, and continued: Thanks to the efforts of the activists of this ecosystem, we are witnessing the activity of companies whose specialists have limits in terms of science and technology. Today, there is no knowledge and technology in the world that the country's specialists are not able to achieve.

Stating that more than 10,000 knowledge-based companies are currently operating in the country's technology and innovation ecosystem, Dehghani added: "While today there is no problem in terms of technology, at the same time, the most important concern is that today we are developing the market of these businesses.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy considered the two requirements of guarantees by insurance and financing with a specialized bank as two requirements for the development of knowledge-based economy and added: the ecosystem of knowledge-based companies with the role of more than 10 thousand companies and a community of 500 thousand human resources, deserves to have specialized insurance and specialized banking. We need to have specialized insurance with high risk for knowledge-based companies, their products and services; Also, a specialized venture bank that is suitable for the needs and assets of knowledge-based companies in providing capital and financing assistance to these businesses is one of the main necessities of linking knowledge-based companies to the economy, and we will use all our efforts and determination to realize these two important things.

The head of the National Elites Foundation considered the art of insurance to reduce the gap between the society's belief, the use and efficiency of technologies and providing guarantees for the use of knowledge-based products and services and said: with the help of guarantees, approval certificates and insurances, we must make the society believe that the use of a knowledge-based product or service is useful and we must provide the necessary guarantees so that the society is encouraged to use and welcome these technologies and innovations. There is even the possibility that in the future the consequences of the use of technology can be guaranteed and insured.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, pointing out that today's powerful and driving knowledge-based companies have a high reputation and their quality guarantees the continuity of these businesses, continued: Today there are large companies with high capabilities and the ability to have a prominent presence in the country's economy that providing guarantees and solutions for financing and providing venture capital according to the conditions of these companies can emphasize the role of knowledge-based economy in the country's economy.

Dehghani emphasized the necessity of granting guarantees and approvals for the presence of knowledge-based products in international markets and said: We must guarantee the future of this field by granting quality assurance certificates for presence in foreign consumption markets using efficient and appropriate financial instruments.

The necessity of understanding the complexities and needs of the insurance field for the entry of knowledge-based and technological companies

Majid Behzadpour, the director general of the Central Insurance of Iran, referring to the seven thousand-billion-dollar insurance market in the world, said: Although insurance in our country has a small share of this large market, the global insurance industry has played a good role in meeting the needs of the country with the help of capable and expert human being has taken place.

Emphasizing that the entry of technology and innovation into the field of insurance and risk coverage, if properly understood, can lead to the improvement of Iran's share in the global market of this industry, he continued: the presence of technology and innovation in the insurance industry requires understanding of the complexities and extent of this is the area where the process of covering damages and the multiplicity and complexity of the regulations are among the challenges of this area. Both the companies that are in the field of technology and innovation and want to operate in the insurance space must know the complexities of this field and the insurance companies and activists must have a good understanding of their needs and the available technological capacities.

The Director General of Iran's Central Insurance stated: We must know the characteristics of the insurance industry and if there is going to be a change in this field, it must be with the cooperation, empathy and synergy of all insurance industry actors so that we can provide modern insurance services in line with global standards.

The ceremony of unveiling the trademark of Pardis Technology Park products with the ability to confirm and guarantee the quality of products was held in the presence of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the president and the general director of the Central Insurance of Iran. In this ceremony, a number of knowledge-based companies of Pardis Technology Park received quality approval certificates and quality assurance certificates for their knowledge-based products.




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