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The meeting of the Venezuela's Minister of Science with the Vice President of Science and Technology; Sattari: Iran is ready to cooperate with Venezuela in all technological fields

In the meeting of the Vice President of Science and Technology and the Minister of Science of Venezuela, the areas of cooperation in various fields of technology were discussed, especially pharmaceutical and medicine, with a focus on knowledge-based companies.

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, in the meeting with Gabriel Jimenez, the Minister of Science of Venezuela, stating that the development of knowledge-based and creative companies has provided the basis for technological and innovative cooperation with friendly countries, said: Iran is making human and animal vaccines with the help of Knowledge-based companies have achieved significant capabilities and the field is ready for technology development and commercialization of many vaccines needed by the country. The ability can be the focus of Made in Iran products export and technological interaction with Venezuela.

Sattari stated that in addition to the powerful government sectors in Iran, private sector companies have entered the field of medicine and medical equipment production, and continued: knowledge-based companies have been able to create research and development beyond the government sectors. Most of these vaccines are now produced by knowledge-based companies that have expanded their research and development units.

The necessity of defining financial mechanisms and approvals

Emphasizing the necessity of defining a specific mechanism in approvals and financial exchanges, he said: One of the challenges of technological interactions is the mechanism of financial exchanges between the two countries, which must be solved with two-way interactions, because knowledge-based and creative companies from the private sector and a smooth and reliable path should be defined for their financial exchanges, of course, knowledge-based companies mainly use innovative tools to face sanctions.


He added: "In order for Made in Iran products to enter the Venezuelan market, especially in the pharmaceutical and medical fields, a specific mechanism for approvals and standards should be defined and introduced to knowledge-based companies. This process should take place in the framework of a specific and facilitated mechanism."

Referring to the readiness of knowledge-based and creative companies to participate in the Venezuelan exhibition, he said: More than 75 knowledge-based companies have announced their readiness to participate in this event, and for the development of this cooperation, Venezuela should identify promising companies in Venezuela to reach a joint cooperation. Iran is ready to have a technological interaction with Venezuela with the help of knowledge-based companies in any field of technology.

The cooperation between the two countries is based on Iran's capabilities in the field of medicine

In this meeting, Venezuela's Minister of Science, Gabriela Jimenez, continued by stating that Iran's capability in the fields of medicine and medicine is a suitable axis for cooperation between the two countries: fields such as medical and health equipment, Livestock technologies, cultivation of medicinal plants, health and animal health drugs, agriculture, advanced materials, environmental is one of the axes that Venezuela is interested in using Iran's capabilities.

She continued by stating that Iran can provide significant help to Venezuela's health sector: the pharmaceutical sector has faced the most damage due to sanctions and we need raw materials and active pharmaceutical ingredients. These materials are included in the field of all medicines, including recombinant bio-chemicals and the like. In particular, we have anti-cancer drugs, linear accelerators, and equipment for pharmaceuticals.

Jimenez added: Our researchers are going to travel to Iran for scientific interaction with Royan Institute in August and share their scientific experiences and knowledge with their Iranian counterparts. Stem cells are one of the areas where we are interested in sharing our experiences with Iran and using Iran's achievements.

Minister of Science of Venezuela, referring to the capacity of this country in the field of medicinal plants, said: Venezuela is the ninth country in the world in terms of biological diversity, and we are ready to cooperate in the field of medicinal plants. This issue will be an opportunity for the two countries to use this virgin capacity for technological development.

Jimenez also invited the vice president of science and technology to visit Venezuela, visit the country's technological capabilities and develop interactions.


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