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With the signature of the vice president of science and ministers of science, Samt and economy

The government's big step in realizing the knowledge-based economy in the form of "Knowledge-Based Companies Promotion Package"

The quadripartite agreement on the Pishran package of knowledge-based companies and several industrial contracts of knowledge-based companies was signed in the presence of the vice president of science, technology and economy, and the ministers of Samt, economy and science.

According to the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, at the same time as the first national event "Knowledge-Based Industry" and with the aim of meeting the needs of the industry and facilitating the entry of knowledge-based companies into the large industrial market, cooperation agreements and contracts for the production of industrial products were signed with the presence of officials, knowledge-based companies and beneficiary parties.

The first cooperation agreement was related to the Pishran package of knowledge-based companies, which was signed by Ruhollah Dehghani, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, Abbas Aliabadi, the minister of industry, mining and trade, Ehsan Khandozi, the minister of economic affairs and finance, and Mohammad Zulfi Gol, the minister of science, research and technology.

In the form of this quadrilateral agreement, a package of special privileges for knowledge-based companies was defined, which leads to the facilitation of marketing processes and the development of knowledge-based products.

In the form of Pishran Knowledge-Based Package, commitments such as regulation and review of order registration by the Ministry of Samt to prevent the import of goods similar to those of Knowledge-Based companies, investment and allocation of facilities in the amount of 300 billion Tomans for Knowledge-Based companies under the agency of the Research Support Fund and the development of advanced industries, persuading the Commission of Article 1 of the Executive Regulations of the Export and Import Regulations Law to increase the import tariff of knowledge-based commodity codes with sufficient production capacity by 20%, supporting the facilitation of licensing of innovation campuses by the Ministry of Science, supporting financing by the Fund Innovation and prosperity and support of knowledge-based companies are defined by the Vice Presidency of Science.

Further, cooperation contracts between industry and knowledge-based companies were signed for the supply and production of technological products of industries. In this regard, the contract for the production of the first 150-ton electric dump truck as one of the most complex industrial equipment was signed with crowdfunding with an estimated value of 105 billion Tomans. Also, a cooperation agreement was signed between Innovation and Prosperity Fund and Saha Fund with the aim of synergy in investment and financing of knowledge-based industrial companies.

In addition, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the Organization of Small Industries to allocate land to small and technological companies and support the infrastructure of these companies. From the package of special privileges for knowledge-based companies, specialized events were held to announce the technological needs of industries with the participation of knowledge-based companies and specialized meetings. With the aim of obtaining the desired result and output from the actions of this meeting, a specialized secretariat will be formed that will have the task of finalizing these agreements. And the way of participation and role-playing of the companies in the plans and industrial projects will be announced to the companies and will provide the necessary support.




  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 93982

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