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Parviz Karami: Prosperity of Creative Companies and Creative Industries in the "Law of Knowledge-Based Production Leap"

The spokesman for the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology called the law-based leap in the production of knowledge-based production the future of Iran's technology and innovation ecosystem and said: "This law will promote knowledge-based and creative businesses."

Parviz Karami considered the symmetry of the promulgation of this law with the year of production of knowledge-based, employment-creating auspicious and added: in the year when the production of knowledge-based, employment-creating has been registered, attention to knowledge-based companies and creative companies The Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, the Government of the Legislature, and other agencies are working to facilitate, pave the way, and support the ecosystem.

According to the head of the center and the secretary of the Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development Headquarters in the Vice Presidency of Science, with the continuous efforts of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, cooperation, support and approval of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, the law-based production leap law was drafted. From the needs, concerns and characteristics of knowledge-based and creative ecological activists to pave the way for the development of this ecosystem and the role of more knowledge-based and creative companies in shaping the future of the country.

Parviz Karami stated: In this law, especially the role of creative economy through attention and legalization of the movement of creative companies and leap in the field of creative industries and the formation of creative houses and innovation as a new platform of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology. The law on shaping creative units has been entrusted to the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, who has started writing and compiling regulations and rules.

Railing the future

The spokesman for the Vice President of Science and Technology said that efforts have been made to address the legal shortcomings and previous regulations in drafting and approving the implementation of this law, adding: Device support, deployment and many more should be considered.

Parviz Karami considered the approval and communication of this law as the builder of the development path of the country's future technology and innovation ecosystem and said: The approval and communication of the law to support knowledge-based and creative companies is a great change for the country's technology and innovation ecosystem after three years of efforts. In the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, in interaction with the 10th and 11th parliaments, it was concluded and approved.

According to the advisor of Vice Presidency for Science and Technology, the provisions enacted in the law will help develop various sectors of the technology and innovation ecosystem, from investment and infrastructure to the production of knowledge-based and creative products, using the powers of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology.

Parviz Karami considered the implementation of the provisions of this law in accordance with the nature and duties of the various organs of the country as one of the main priorities of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and said: Which has started, will be included in the executive plan of government departments with the final approval, and will determine the orientation in all sectors of the country towards the production of knowledge-based people.

The head of the center and the secretary of the Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development Headquarters spoke about the serious steps taken by the Vice Presidency to implement this law and continued: "During these years, legal problems and shortcomings were identified. Implement the ideas in the new law, but fortunately, in practice, the roadmap for the next 15 years of the country in the field of basic knowledge and creativity was laid down and approved.

20 axes for ecosystem development

Parviz Karami continued by stating that the law on the leap in the production of knowledge-based, based on 20 articles and 10 notes, has been approved: "Efforts have been made to pay attention to the ecological needs of technology and innovation from various dimensions."

The head of the center and secretary of the Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development Headquarters pointed to some of the priorities and general points contained in this law and added: As well as to estimate the domestic technological capabilities and the existing gaps in the country and to give priority to the products of Iranian scholars.

Facilitating and removing barriers to production, paying attention to the demands of knowledge-based and creative companies, and supporting contracts related to knowledge-based production are other issues that have been addressed in this law.

He stated that according to the Law on the Leap of Production of Knowledge-Based, universities, centers and institutions of higher education and research are allowed all or part of the intellectual assets of research achievements and the right to use them with the written consent of the author and creator, inventor and right holder. Assign or enter into a partnership agreement, he continued: "Also, the allocation of accommodation space to science and technology parks, knowledge-based companies, creative houses and innovation has been considered in this law."

Prosperity of Iranian products market

The spokesman for the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology called the abandonment of tenders for knowledge-based companies one of the benefits of the law and said: "One of the main concerns of knowledge-based and creative companies was to participate in large tenders and compete with foreign companies or importers with years of experience." And the exploiting or applicant devices did not give priority to Iranian-made products.

Parviz Karami continued: "According to this law, however, in cases where, at the discretion of the highest executive body of the purchasing applicant, the knowledge-based product is made for the first time in the country and has no domestic counterpart, it is not required to hold a tender with the approval of the working group." The formalities of the law on tenders are carried out. Also, in order to support the deepening of technology and maximum use of the power of knowledge-based companies, tax credits are granted to companies in accordance with the law of knowledge-based production leap.

Development of export markets of knowledge-based and creative companies

Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology, stating that the development of export markets for Made in Iran products is one of the main priorities of the Vice Presidency, continued: The various economies of mutual funds, capital markets and financial institutions, including banks, provide the basis for usury to finance the ecosystem of technology and innovation.


The law of leapfrog production has been approved and announced in 20 articles and 10 notes. According to this law, the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and each of the relevant ministries are responsible for following up and implementing the law and reporting it every 6 months to the Commissions for Education, Research and Technology, Industries and Mines, Economy and Agriculture, and Water Resources. Natural and Environment are presented by the Islamic Consultative Assembly.

This law will be implemented with the support and follow-up by the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, in the form of joint executive regulations with joint ministries and agencies, in order to provide the ground for the penetration of more innovation and technology in the country's economy and development.


Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 84459

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