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  • Oct 28 2021 - 23:46
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Iranian drug for the treatment of pediatric rheumatoid arthritis unveiled; Sattari: Iran's human vaccine market, manufacturing developed / The number of biopharmaceuticals in the country reached 27 items

The Vice President of Science and Technology, while attending the unveiling ceremony of the Iranian drug for the treatment of pediatric rheumatoid arthritis, said: With the efforts of technology ecology and innovation of the domestic market, Iran's human vaccines, biomasses, and biomedical drugs were developed in the country and Iran became one of the leading countries in the region and the world.

At the ceremony, Sorena Sattari unveiled Anacinera, a percussion accelerator. It is used in combination with methotrexate to treat the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. . It is prescribed to patients whose response to methotrexate has not been good enough to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

Iran ranks as a region in the field of biotechnology

Referring to Iran's progress in the field of biotechnology, the Vice President of Science and Technology said: One of the largest and safest ecosystems in the field of biotechnology in the region belongs to Iran and the domestic market of this technological field is profitable and rich. Sattari added: "Until a few months ago, the number of biotech drugs was about 25 items, but now their number has reached 27." While some countries around Iran do not have even one of these drugs.

The head of the National Elite Foundation continued: "This happened by the private sector and the ecology of biotech drugs has been developed with the investment of this sector." Government research and capital will not lead to the product and will not be able to compete in the market.

 Sattari said that the Persis Gene Accelerator has placed a large number of companies and ideas in its heart and has become a turning point for the growth and development of young people. He said: "After growing up in this system, these companies will continue to operate independently."

A great and unprecedented event

He pointed out that the production of human vaccines in Iran is a great and unprecedented event, he said: He said: "The market for human vaccines in Iran is developing and products such as influenza vaccine, cervical cancer, etc. have been and will be produced.". In the field of animal vaccines, about 26 vaccines have been produced domestically.

The head of the Biotechnology Development Headquarters said that traditional culture and government infrastructure should be combined with the technology and innovation ecosystem. : One of the honors of the new ecosystem is the field of biotech, and we must support the development of this field by removing obstacles.

 Sattari added: the existence of the Food and Drug Administration in the country is one of the benefits in the field of medicine and treatment.

Accompanying new structures with innovative and creative ecosystems

The Vice President for Science and Technology also stated: "Our government structures are defined based on imports, and producers must prove themselves permanently in this system.". This structure does not require a university or knowledge. It relies on oil money and underground resources alone. That is why it is natural to stand up to new and innovative structures based on creative thought and ideas. Of course, government structures are also coming to terms with this new structure.

 The Chief of Staff of Soft Technologies and Creative Industries Development continued: Development is a cultural concept and everyone should want this concept to take root and grow in the country. We must spend money to form a knowledge-based economy and not be afraid of deconstruction.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and TechnologyBottom of Form


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 79094

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