The cooperation agreement between the Vice Presidency of Science and the Ministry of Science
Allocation of 20 thousand billion Rials from the tax credits of the Production Leap Law to universities
With the conclusion of the cooperation agreement between the Vice Presidency of Science and the Ministry of Science, the basis for universities to use the tax credit provided for in Article 13 of the Knowledge-Based Production Leap Law.

According to the communication and information center in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the cooperation agreement on the use of tax credits by universities was signed by Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, and Mohammad Zulfi Gol, the Minister of Science, Research and Technology.
This agreement is concluded with the aim of strengthening the relationship between industry and university, practicalizing university research and directing it to solve the country's strategic challenges by using the capacity of Article 11 and Article 13 of the Knowledge-Based Production Leap Law.
Promoting the effective role of universities, especially the top universities and designated universities of the country's provinces, in industrial research and development projects by using the capacity of the knowledge-based production leap law, cooperation and facilitation to attract the cooperation of industries in order to conclude a research contract of at least 20 thousand billion Rials and development between the country's industries and universities in 2023 and 2024 is one of the main topics and axes of this cooperation agreement.
In the form of a joint cooperation agreement between the Vice Presidency of Science and the Ministry of Science, joint promotion and empowerment programs will be implemented to attract and encourage as many faculty members and academic elites as possible in the research and development tax credit program.
Also, a special and facilitated path for receiving and reviewing joint research and development projects between industry and university will be established by the Secretariat of the Steering Council of Knowledge-Based Technologies and Productions.