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The start of TIM 2023; Dehghani: Iran's established knowledge and technology is the focus of developing cooperation with regional countries

The 5th International Technology Investment Meeting (TIM 2023) started in Pardis Technology Park with the presence of the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and representatives of D8 group companies.

In this event, Ruhollah Dehghani stated that one of Iran's opportunities in the neighboring region is the cooperation and companionship of the Muslim countries of the region, and stated: One-eighth of the world's population and sixty percent of the world's Muslim population belong to the D8 member countries. This is an international capacity. In recent years, our country has also focused on the topic of scientific and technological authority in the region and has achieved good results. If these successes want to be effective in the international dimensions, they should take place between countries with common approaches and interests, scientific and technological cooperation, exchange of experience and joint investments.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy stated that the purpose of holding international investment meetings is to use the investment capacity of D8 in the field of technologies and added: nearly 50 foreign guests from 20 member countries of this group are present at this event; Various programs, including joint meetings and experience exchange meetings, have been planned with the aim of facilitating cooperation, and we hope that at the end of this event, we will witness the conclusion of joint contracts between the technology sector of Iran and the technology sector of the D8 member countries.

Emphasizing the importance of forming joint technological and economic cooperation, he said: Iran is in a special situation due to its serious efforts to acquire knowledge and technology and play a strategic role in international dimensions. block and uneven international dimensions; But thanks to the young, creative and capable workforce, along with the development achieved with the help of technology and innovation ecosystem activists in recent decades, we have achievements and a good position that these proven technologies can be a capacity and opportunity for investment and development and prosperity. The knowledge-based market should be in friendly countries. We hope that this event will help to achieve this goal.

The head of the National Elites Foundation, stating that today the most important and valuable strength of Iran's achievement is knowledge and technology, added: knowledge and technology can be a good axis for the development of cooperation with the countries of the region and the world. We pursue joint programs with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which are followed by the Center of International Science and Technology Interactions. We are trying to develop cooperation with neighboring and friendly countries focusing on knowledge, technology and knowledge-based economy.

Dehghani considered the possession of educated and capable human capital as one of the advantages of Iran in advancing knowledge and technology and said: Having a capable human force, in addition to other God-given capacities of Iran, is a capacity that leads and advance in the field of science and technology in the regional markets. Especially the countries of the D8 group make it possible for our country.

Emphasizing the formation of large companies and mega-companies with the cooperation and joint investment of the D8 member countries, he added: I suggest that we focus on big tech or big technology startups. National and regional capacities require the formation of several big brands in the field of technology with the help of these countries, and instead of supporting a few startups, by creating powerful multinational super companies in the fields of technology, the capacity to develop dozens of technologies, dozens of cores and provide technology company and hundreds of manpower.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy continued: The member countries of the D8 group have the ability to form several technology super companies, there is the ability to reach 10 technology super companies by relying on new innovations and an investment of one billion dollars. Iran is also ready to cooperate and provide the necessary support to the emergence of companies that have an impact on the global scale with the focus of the D8 member countries.

International market development for knowledge-based companies

Referring to the cooperation with the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy in the field of market development of knowledge-based companies, Mahdi Safari, the Economic Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, added: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has dedicated a special chapter to knowledge-based companies in the field of public diplomacy. The necessary capacities for knowledge-based companies with export capability have been created and the field for the products of these companies to enter the markets of companies or knowledge-based products.

Safari continued: Iran is ready to create a technology and innovation house in certain countries that it wants to provide knowledge-based products in those countries and provide the basis for the development of the market for these products.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs stated: We are focusing on providing strategic needs, especially effective and primary pharmaceutical ingredients.

Referring to the readiness for technology transfer by domestic companies and knowledge-based companies abroad, he said: In particular, the import of 800 million dollars in pharmaceutical chemicals is one of the cases that rely on the capabilities of knowledge-based companies, seeking self-sufficiency. We are eliminating its monopoly. At the same time that we have diversified the imported sources, we follow the domestic production of these products.

Creating an investment capacity of 15 million euros

In the fifth international technology investment meeting TIM2023, 105 investors from Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kenya registered. Also, 52 investors from Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Kenya and Guinea will attend this event.

In the fourth period of this event, an investment contract amounting to 11 million euros was concluded, and preliminary agreements have been reached for the investment of 15 million euros in this period. The largest investment amount will be 3.6 million dollars between Iran and Indonesia.

It should be mentioned that the fifth round of the International Technology Investment Meeting, with the aim of attracting capital to accelerate knowledge-based companies, startups and investors in the field of technology, has started, which is being hosted by Pardis Technology Park on February 27 and 28 of this year in Pardis Technology Park.

In this technological event, various programs will be held, including the presentation of technological companies with the aim of attracting capital, specialized panels, signing of memorandums of understanding, concluding joint investment contracts and visiting the technology and innovation ecosystem of the country.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


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